Your Daily CatScope for May 01, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You are feeling the urge to get a bit more exercise. If you can't go outside, maybe you should do a few laps around the house. If the humans complain, just look at the front door meaningfully.


You're feeling pretty good -- and you're even better off if you get to spend some quality time with your favorite humans, cats and toys. Socializing in a quiet way is the perfect way to pass the time.


You are finally starting to really understand the ways of the humans, though you still may not want to take part in all of them! You're smarter than the average cat, so use your knowledge for good.


You can really bond with your primary human today -- or someone else, if they're not available. Your energy is perfect for snuggle sessions and hearing what people have on their minds.


You're rethinking something that you used to believe was almost perfect. Now is the time to doubt -- you can take action some other time, when your kitty energy is feeling more positive.

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Today is perfect for surprising the humans with something new. You may want to try a new game, or just display some new behavior that catches them off-guard and no doubt tickles them to the core!


You're feeling a little bit guilty, though you may not know exactly why. The humans aren't doing it to you, most likely, so maybe your conscience just decided to start working overtime.


You look like the cat who swallowed the canary -- but the canary is just fine, thanks! The humans might think you're up to something, but you're not. Still, it's nice to keep them on their toes!


Things are hard between you and the management today, thanks in part to your orneriness. You may have to slink away and hide out for a while until they cool off -- and you should apologize later!


You're in the middle of something really sweet and want to just stretch out in a sunbeam and plan out your eventual victory over the other cats. You might not move a muscle except to deal with food.


You need to pay closer attention to what's really going on today -- there's a lot to see underneath the surface. Your human pals may need a bit of support, even if they don't ask for it.


Snap into action as soon as you can today -- you can figure stuff out later. Thinking too much will just strain your kitty brain and end up giving someone else the upper hand. Who wants that?

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!