Your Daily CatScope for June 26, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You're feeling the urge to poke around in the world and see what you can see -- and it's totally irresistible! If you're stuck indoors, you can at least plot your escape in glorious, wonderful detail!


It's one of those days when it's much better (not to mention easier) for you to just chill out quietly on your own and let others get into the big craziness that's sure to go down. You need to be a spectator!


You need to show off your deep side, even if nobody else really gets it. Don't worry about that -- just lose yourself in thought or show that one human that you understand what they're feeling.


You've got to take care of your own business today, even if it seems as if someone close to you might need your time or energy even more. Sometimes it's important to be selfish, you know!


You're really having fun today -- so much so that the humans might get a little worried! Don't let them bring you down, though, because you're trying all sorts of new things and just having a blast!

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Your family -- human and feline -- need you today and you're more than happy to oblige them. It's a good time to rub up against legs, jump up into laps and cuddle the night away with those you love.


It seems like everyone you know is excited today for some reason and you pick up on that energy in a big way! It's time for you to go exploring -- you never know what you might find that's hidden.


You're having a fine time with friends and family today and allowing them to set the tone and pace of the day more than you usually do. Sometimes you are perfectly content to follow along.


You are in an extremely playful mood and if others aren't up to your energy level, they'd better clear the path! You may be tearing around the house in a race with nobody or just batting at everyone who comes by.


You've got to just plod along and do your thing today, no matter how weird or crazy people seem to be around you. They just distract you from your important feline business, so stay on track!


Your buddies -- human, feline and miscellaneous -- are all waiting for you to show up and make the fun happen! Whatever you want to do should be okay with them, as your leadership is key.


Keep your eyes open and really watch what the humans are up to today -- it doesn't seem to make sense at first. After a while, you should be able to figure out the gist of it, but it's still weird.

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