Your Daily CatScope for June 15, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You've got a crazy dream coming to you -- it's like you're a kitten again, with Mom alternately scolding you and cleaning you. It's pretty peaceful, but you're glad to be awake when you finally come to.


You're in such a good mood that you have to share it with others! Your purring is a beacon of happiness that some folks can hear from outside -- so go for it and see who shows up for a cuddle!


You don't want to share today, which is rather unlike you! Try not to be mean about it. As you still want your friends to stay friends with you when this short phase is long in the past.


You're feeling fully alive today and your energy levels can't be beat! You can race around the house 'til your friends all drop and keep going long into the night -- if your human pals don't mind!


You need to spend some quality time with your favorite people or other critters today. It's easy for you to snuggle up and your natural warmth means that they really want to get close to you too.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


Your friends need you now -- even if they can't tell you exactly what it is. Mosey on over and check out the situation. You should soon see if they need a bath, a lecture or a long cuddle.


Try your best to keep from getting too much attention today -- and if anyone can avoid the spotlight, it's you! Duck into the closet or find a sweet spot in a warm laundry pile for a few hours.


You just want to purr and make biscuits on someone's belly -- but it feels like a long, deep conversation. Your great emotional energy provides all the connection you need to make things happen.


When things don't go your way today, try not to complain too much -- in fact, you're much better off if you just walk away with your tail in the air. Flexibility is the essence of felinity!


You're thinking a bit differently today and should find that people are more willing than usual to give you the latitude you need to exercise your feline imagination. Try something a little wild!


Things are chugging along about the same as usual today -- how boring! Yet try as you might, you just can't work yourself up to make any mischief, but at least the humans don't have to worry about you.


You need to express your amazing spiritual energy in some new way today -- and the humans are sure to be amazed! Maybe you respond to their questions in a weird way or maybe you just put on a show.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!