Your Daily CatScope for June 10, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Something serious pops up from out of nowhere and makes you wonder what's really going on. It could be a real problem, so don't be shy about hiding behind the humans or at least asking for help.


You've got more friends than most kitties, at least in your mind, and right now is the best time to hang out with them and play silly games or just snuggle. Your good energy should be most welcome!


You're taking life a bit more seriously right now, which is no doubt amusing to the humans. Let them giggle -- you know that your kitty business is much more important than they realize!


You're in the right place at the right time -- and your personal energy couldn't be better! The humans are certainly drawn to you and should want to see you run through your repertoire of tricks!


Keep to yourself as much as you can today -- dealing with other folks is nothing but trouble! It's not like you'll be fighting, but you should get the short end of every stick.

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Chill out a little bit today -- the humans have heard your grievances and will do what they can, but now is not the time. If that's frustrating, take it out on the couch or that smaller critter.


Your perfectly timed schedule isn't going too well today and you might have to wait for food or fun. That's not great, but things could be a lot worse -- you could have to stalk your own food, you know!


You and your people are getting along quite well right now, so much so that you might just want to snuggle all day long! If that can't happen, you can at least play little games with them when you get the chance.


You're feeling kind of poky today, so much so that you might end up just lying around all day and not getting up unless the house is on fire or you hear the siren call of the can opener.


You've got much more to say than most of the humans realize and may find some creative means of expressing yourself! Let loose with your good energy all day long and see what comes of it.


Try not to get too carried away with your activities today -- you might get all worn out before noon and end up sleeping all day. That's fun, but you could have even more fun with your pals!


You're feeling really good right now and want nothing more than to share the good times with those you're closest to. Friends and family, cats and humans -- everyone deserves your love!

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