Your Daily CatScope for July 29, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


If things start to look weird today, don't just panic and cause a scene. Instead, try to check out what your favorite humans are doing and mimic their actions as best as you can. Things should settle down soon.


If you spend all day long just napping, enjoying an occasional sunbeam and giving yourself the bath of a lifetime, it's a day well spent. You're not ignoring other people -- they're basking in your presence!


Try not to get too worked up over your deep thoughts -- they might keep you from noticing the world around you. If you seem to be zoning out or napping with your eyes open, odds are that you're making big plans.


You've got to deal with people, kitties or whomever is hanging out around the house today. It's a good time to relax a bit and try to make sure that you're not making a bad situation worse!


It's the perfect day to ask the humans for special favors or treats -- they are much more likely than usual to give in! You shouldn't even have to demean yourself by begging, so just try asking once.

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You need to try something a little different -- live it up! People want to see a show and you've got just the right kind of energy to put on an unusual display of manic playfulness. Everyone has fun!


You feel more in tune with your world than you have in a long time. It's a good day for trying new configurations of playmates and activities, though the comfort of the familiar might be nice, too.


Let some crazy stuff bubble up from deep inside your mind -- those humans need to be shaken up a little! Once you've made your statement, you can return to business as usual, just like nothing ever happened.


Sometimes you're a loner, but then there are days like today. You'd much rather hang out with your human or furry pals and with any luck that should be easy to pull off. You may need to whine a bit, though!


You're the top cat today, even if nobody else recognizes that. It's a great time to relax and let others make mistakes, confident that you're sitting pretty and should get everything you want and need.


Life is pretty sweet for you right now and it's a good time to extend a paw of friendship to some human or other critter who usually doesn't get along so well with you. Things should go smoothly.


Try not to freak out if you can't find your favorite toy, or blanket or piece of wadded paper. Sometimes things just have to go -- but that leaves room for more stuff to come! Enjoy the new stuff.

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