Your Daily CatScope for July 11, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You need to put the finishing touches on your latest art project or cunning scheme -- things should go well when you show off for the humans later today. It's a good day to take a bow, too.


Two critters, or people (or a mixed pair) start to squabble today and you might not be able to escape the effects of the war. In fact, you could get recruited, so make sure you get a good deal out of it!


You've got some big ideas to work out today and ought to find that you can sit in one place and just ponder the complexities of the universe without distraction. Until you get hungry, that is!


You are feeling somewhat insecure about your food or shelter situation -- because you're crazy! There's just no need to worry about whether or not you'll be safe and warm tonight, 'cause you always will be.


You're feeling pretty good about yourself -- until someone points out a minor flaw or stumble that you didn't think anyone would notice! Feline pride is pretty resilient, though, so don't worry about it.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


You're the most helpful kitty in the neighborhood today, as you find new ways to help the humans organize their stuff -- even the stuff you're not sure about. They may express their gratitude in odd ways.


You're having too much fun to worry about mundane stuff like getting stuck in trees or when the kibble will arrive. In fact, you probably won't mind so much if you have to go and see the V-E-T.


You need to deal with your human family today, as they're a little bit out of it! You may or may not have the answer, but you can at least offer a little comfort while they're all confused.


You need to express yourself today, even though you can't quite speak the language. That's not such a big deal -- you ought to be able to at least suggest how you're feeling to the right people.


The humans may not know about your collection of toys or papers or lint or whatever it is that means so much to you, but it's only a matter of time! Enjoy your haul while you can -- clean-up day might be soon.


You might not sleep at all today. You've just got too much energy to squander it quietly -- you may make up new games, squirm through doorways or just rub against every chair leg you can find.


You're in an altruistic frame of mind today and should use your energy to help the humans in your life if possible. Offer yowls of advice, rearrange their paperwork or just curl up on their laps and offer support.

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