Your Daily CatScope for July 08, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


It's the perfect day to explore new territory -- so see if you can sneak past the barriers and find out what lies beyond your current frontier. It should be good fun and probably quite exciting, too!


Does it ever feel like the world is against you? Well, it's not -- though it's easy to see why you might feel like that on days like today. Little things seem to add up to one big hassle, but things get better soon!


You are feeling a bit more settled into the new situation -- or an old situation that you were never all that happy about. In fact, you feel so content that you might spend all day sleeping and purring.


Don't feel bad if you're a little selfish right now -- every now and then you just need to focus on your own needs and cats are pretty well known for taking care of themselves first and foremost!


You are all about going where you shouldn't right now, whether that's a storage cabinet or the great outdoors. Try not to get in too much trouble -- but that curiosity absolutely must be satisfied!

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


Somehow, you need to check in with your main human companion -- they need something from you but just haven't realized it yet. Just yowl hello and they'll probably figure it out pretty quickly.


You're trying to say something to a family member -- kitty, human or miscellaneous -- and ought to have an easier time of it than usual. Your ability to communicate is stronger than ever,m so use it!


You're all about the group today and they are perfectly happy to include you -- as long as you're willing to follow along. You aren't the top cat today and you need to be okay with that. You'll be back.


You and one other critter or human form the world's smallest mutual admiration society today and the meeting might just consist of one long nap curled up next to each other. Life doesn't get much better.


No matter what you want to do today, you need to stick to it. Your focus is everything and while it might amuse the humans to see you so intent on tearing up a tiny piece of paper, you know it means the world.


You're the cruise director today, setting up games and activities for your fellow kitties (or human pals, if you're the only cat in the house). If you don't feel up to it, that just means it's a slow day for everyone.


Keep those eyes wide open -- unless it's nap day. There's plenty to see today and you won't really want to miss a moment of it. Things are more interesting early in the morning, though.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.