Your Daily CatScope for July 06, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You're not about to let anyone tell you what to do today -- not that you usually take orders very well. Let folks know that you're doing things your way, even if that means stepping on some toes.


You're pretty worried about something that seems silly to your human friends -- or would, if they could only figure out what you're so freaked out! Try to slow down and relax for a while.


You and another kitty -- or maybe some other critter -- are best buddies, at least for today. It's a good time to play together, share snacks and then curl up for a nice long nap. Life is sweet!


You're helping your human pals far more than you realize, just by setting a good example. It could be that your relaxation is reminding them to breathe, or that your obsessive qualities remind them to focus.


Show your human buddies how much you care about them with a good long purr or just a happy stare from across the room. You're in the mood for love, so maybe it's time to curl up with them for a nap.

What does your karmic journey hold? Discover your destiny with our Karma Report. ✨


You're pretty restless today, but that's just because you're somewhat more constrained than usual. Something is holding you back -- maybe a new barrier, maybe an odd fear or maybe even the vet!


Your human friends will almost think you speak their language today, thanks to your expressive voice and willingness to pursue your desires all the way to the end. Don't be shy about speaking up!


You're pretty calculating on most days, but today brings your impulsive streak to the forefront and reminds you what it was like to be a kitten. You may find a few new friends if you head outside.


You can't get enough of your little friends, whether they're fellow cats or stuffed animals -- or just about anyone else! It's a good day for games and napping and general purpose frolicking.


You might not realize where you're going until you find yourself there -- with plenty of time to contemplate, observe and, of course, nap. It's a good day to run around the house or yard until you drop.


You gain access to some new toy or location that gets your feline heart racing -- especially because you might not be authorized yet! You may want to act as if nothing has happened afterward.


You know you're the cat with the right moves and the right attitude, though it may be that the rest of the world decides to look the other way. That's not your problem, though -- you don't need attention!

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!