Your Daily CatScope for January 30, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Take it easy and make sure that you're letting the humans relax, too! Patience is a virtue, though it's not one people ordinarily associate with you. Prove them wrong and wait for them to act.


Romance is on your mind, in one way or another. It may be that you need to make a special friend of your own kind, or that you just need to snuggle up with one very familiar human.


You and your big feline brain have got some serious thinking to do, but your energy may be a bit off. You need to find somewhere you can really focus, like the basement or under a pile of laundry.


Even if you're the fraidiest of fraidy-cats, today you can't help but seek out gatherings and set yourself at the center of them. People, kitties and other critters all fascinate you in a deep way.


Ego conflicts are arising throughout the day, and you may need to deal with someone who thinks they know better than you. It's not the best time for you to try to come out on top, but you can slink away.

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A surprise comes your way today -- it's almost certainly coming from a human friend, but keep looking, because you never know. It's almost a sure thing that you're a little puzzled throughout the day.


You're having such a good time early today that you might just let it stretch out until you've lost your chance to take a nap or do something else that you really wanted to do. Try to pace yourself!


Things are getting pretty strange today, but you can get even stranger! You may never encounter a person in exactly this mood, so make the most of it and try to get them to see things your way.


The smallest stuff really matters today, but you might find it hard to convince your humans that they need to deal with it. That means it's up to you to kill that bug or keep your paws clean.


Spend a little time indulging your love of luxury. Maybe you want to get someone to see how sweet life can be, or maybe you need to spend all day by yourself in a sunbeam. It's up to you!


Try to really get to the bottom of whatever the humans are doing today -- you can see through the surface to their deeper motivations, but it takes more effort than you're used to exerting.


You can't quite see what's really going on today, but that doesn't mean that you're any more confused than usual. It's just a sign that your wisdom is greater than the amount of information you've collected.

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