Your Daily CatScope for January 23, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You are completely out of control today -- and everyone loves it! Your high spirits should lift everyone else's, too and make for some very interesting times around the house or the 'hood.


You may find that the whole household seems to be lined up against you today -- so it's time for a change of plans! It's not like anyone hates you, though. Sometimes you're just a wee bit out of sync!


Listen carefully to what people are trying to tell you, because even though you may not make out every word, the gist of it ought to come through clearly. The change can't be all that bad, really!


Something is making you rush through the day -- but you need to slow down! Even a busy cat like you needs some down-time every now and then, or you might be too stressed out to sleep!


You are a lot smarter than you let on and today you pick up on something that your bipedal friends would never think you'd get. There's no need to show off -- though that may be fun for you!

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See if you can slink away when the other critters in the house start to rile each other up -- you don't need to take part in any of that! If you're solo, then you may develop a misunderstanding with a human.


You're not so sure what's going on today, as it might seem to go from great highs to deep lows almost instantaneously. There's good news, though -- all the lows are just reflecting your mood and can change.


Things could get pretty bad today -- but only if you let them! Try to restrain yourself from taking swipes at folks who cross you, because the situation might escalate too quickly to contain!


You're having too much fun to worry about tomorrow -- or even the next few minutes! Your amazing energy is a wonder to behold, even if you're not purring. The humans are enchanted!


All you want is a little stability today -- is that too much to ask? Things are looking good for you and your people, though, so maybe you ought to check in with your human pals to see what they can do for you.


You need to slow down and let things happen on their own -- your intervention, clever as it may be, will only make things worse. After a bit, you should be able to return to your usual role.


You're pleasantly befuddled for most of the day, just lying around in a fog, not really getting what's going on around you. That's not such a bad thing, so see if you can keep it going for a while!

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