Your Daily CatScope for January 21, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You need to just find a good place to lie down and take a long nap today. You're feeling a little out of it and there's no reason for you to tempt fate with any super-energetic business!


Try not to spend too much time alone today, unless it simply can't be helped. Even a stuffed toy or an insect buddy might be enough to keep your social juices flowing, so track one down!


Now is not the time to mention that problem to the humans, because they don't quite get exactly what you're saying. Of course, even on good days there's a barrier, but today is especially frustrating for communication!


You are feeling incredibly adventurous today and are craving unknown territories to explore. If you're stuck inside, see if you can pop open that cabinet or sneak into the forbidden room.


You can tell that things aren't as great as they may appear on the surface, but that just means that you've got to make sure you're looking more deeply. Some treat is actually a bit of medicine, maybe?

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.


Try to let the people in your life think whatever they want -- even when they're plainly wrong! You have all the time in the world to show them the errors of their ways, so why not start tomorrow?


You need to be sure that things are as bad as you think they might be long before you register your complaints today -- so get more info! The humans are doing the best they can, honest.


You need to spend some of this great energy on connecting with someone new -- or reconnecting with someone you've known for a while! It's easier than you think and incredibly rewarding!


On a day like today, you'd lose your food dish if it wasn't more or less stuck where it is thanks to gravity. It's a good thing the humans don't entrust you with things like keys or credit cards!


You are grooving to your own beat today and while others may look at you with bewilderment, you just feel bad that they can't hear what you're hearing. Enjoy the great energy and share it, if possible!


You're feeling a bit withdrawn today and might be reconsidering some old notions about what's right. You may even decide that the humans are correct about some issue that means a lot to you!


You should make sure that you challenge yourself in some new way today -- your good energy pretty much demands it! See if you can get your human pals to give you some new privileges.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙