Your Daily CatScope for January 20, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You can tell that things are going well for you and you may get a sneak peek at the sweetness coming your way in the near future. It may be a new toy, a new friend or a new privilege!


You and a friend -- or even some interloper from outside -- lock horns and won't let go. It's one of those days that comes down to a basic power struggle and you don't want to lose this one.


You need to spend some time thinking things over, so find a nice spot and just relax. You may need more time than you'd think at first, so try to make sure that you're snug and cozy.


You need to chill out, or the stress might send you over the edge! The weird part is that nobody can see what the big deal is except for you, so try to scamper into your safe place as soon as you can.


It's time for you to mix things up a little around then house. Cats may not like change so much on normal days, but your energy right now makes you eager to check out new ways of doing things.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!


If you've got something to say today, be sure to keep it positive! The bipeds in your life just aren't up for hearing a stream of complaints, so throw is some purrs to keep them happy.


You're prancing around the house like you own the place -- and you might as well, given how much you contribute to its well-being! Everything is a game to you and you find the best in everything.


There's a definite conflict brewing between you and someone close -- though it may arise over nothing at all. See if you can find a good way to reach a compromise before things get out of hand!


Try not to worry about the events of the day -- they should make sense and if they don't, it's not your fault! Just make sure that you're around when the humans start to wonder what's up.


Try not to make a huge deal out of the problems that seem to be on the horizon -- you can get by with whatever comes your way, really and no amount of fussing is going to make life any easier!


It's so easy to make new friends today that you might start to get a little suspicious of people's motives -- but try to open up even more, if possible! You've got all you need to keep things together.


You may try for a leap that is well beyond your abilities or eat more than your tummy can really handle today -- so make sure that you relax after the embarrassment is over! You can make things better later.

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