Your Daily CatScope for January 17, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Have you been running too fast lately? Now is the time to take a break and let the day unfold on its own. If you spend all day long in a sunbeam just collecting your thoughts, that would be perfect!


You need to see things from a new point of view today -- and that's really easy! You've got great energy and should find that you can just shift your thinking around like it's a toy mouse.


Try not to worry too much about whether or not your feline ideas about the world are accurate -- you just need to try them out to see the results. Too much mental stress is bad for kitties!


It's not the best day for communicating with the humans -- they are prone to read too much into your yowls and purrs. They may try to pet you when you want to be left alone, or vice versa.


Take in all the information you can before acting today. You may crouch down for a good long stalk of that bug or toy -- so long that you might forget what you were doing in the first place!

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


You want what you want and today brings an opportunity to do something about it. The humans might foolishly try to stop you, but you should be able to get what you want, as long as it's not dangerous!


You still feel kind of weird, but you may have more energy than you did yesterday. It's a good time to surprise the other folks you live with by mixing up the ways you interact with them.


If any feuds have been simmering on the back burner for a while, now is the time to put them to rest. You can get along well with almost anyone, so make an effort to keep everyone happy.


It's a good day to do things halfway -- just eat half your food, play until you're bored, not exhausted and say hello only to those random folks who seem appealing in the moment. Then it's back to business as usual!


You may win another game against the dog, track down the last mouse in the house or otherwise rack up an accomplishment that makes you proud for a long time to come. Things are looking up!


There's no good way for you to fight back today, so do your level best to just accept the things you can't change and live your life. Your energy levels are going to shoot through the roof tomorrow!


Even if you're usually prohibited from going outside or begging for scraps, someone should take pity on you and give you a lift today. Don't expect the same kind of treatment forever, though!

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