Your Daily CatScope for January 16, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You've got to get control of the situation at home -- it seems like everyone is determined to think whatever they want to think about you! You're the dominant species, though, so make sure they get that.


You're learning from someone you'd never expect to be so wise. They may be a member of a so-called lesser species or even something the humans consider inanimate, but you're picking up good lessons.


You've got secrets that you don't want to give up today, so see if you can sneak around the house on your various missions without raising any suspicions among the humans or other critters.


You're feeling pretty good about your commanding view of the house or the neighborhood -- you've finally got your perch just the way you want it. Enjoy the view and keep it all under control.


You're practically frantic with helpful energy today and need to show the humans just how great you can be when the chips are down. Of course, things might be pretty smooth for them -- but you can still help!

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.


Your good energy makes you ten times as attractive as usual to new people, so if you're lucky, someone drifts nearby and can't help but lavish attention on you. Start purring and don't stop!


You are feeling kind of mopey today -- maybe you need to find a nice lap to sit in for a while. Don't worry, though, because your mood is going to improve dramatically in just a few more days.


The humans are in rare form, catering to your moods and whims like never before! It's a great time for bonus belly rubs, table scraps or even outdoor adventures -- whatever you can dream up, really!


Every now and then, you turn into a hoarder -- and while it may drive the humans insane, you know you've got to hide those kibbles or toys or dust balls, or whatever it is that seems important to you now.


You need to make sure that you're showing off your best side today -- and that's easy! All you have to do is play and strut with a little more flair than usual and you've got the energy to pull it off.


You aren't totally sure what's going on with your friends or family -- but resist the urge to figure it all out! There's way more going on than even your huge brain can comprehend, but it should smooth out soon.


You're a bit more observant than usual today and can see that things need to be a bit different between the various power players around the house. See if you can nudge someone to make a change.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!