Your Daily CatScope for January 15, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You've got your own way of seeing things today and the humans are just going to have to live with that somehow. It's not too hard for you to get them to see the light of reason -- eventually!


It's the best time to meet new people -- your social energy is directed outward in a big way and while you're not bored with friends and family, you sure do want to branch out a little!


There's not much point to complaining at the top of your lungs today -- people just aren't paying as close attention as they usually do and might actively ignore you out of sheer spite!


Spend some quality time with yourself today, washing your paws or just taking a nice long nap in a sunbeam. You've earned a break from your serious chores around the house, don't you think?


You could run around the house or the yard all day long without getting tired, thanks to your fiery energy that seems to keep you going no matter what. It's a great time to have fun with friends.

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You may not be feeling completely perky today, but force yourself to take part when it's time to play or snuggle. You should feel eleven times better when you're in the middle of it all!


You can tell the humans almost anything today and they should at least come close to understanding it. Don't freak them out, though -- that's someone else's job and you need to keep the peace!


Your human pals are incredibly persuasive today, even about stuff you usually can't stand, like claw trimmings or vet visits. Every now and then, you need to let them think that they're in charge.


Someone needs to tell you something and you're all ears. They like the way you live your life and might even be a little envious, but you can show them that there's no big secret to your success.


There are days when you're willing to let things go -- and then there are days like today! You want to see things go your way or not at all and you might just have to start yelling to make sure you're heard!


You need to make sure that you're not just drifting in and out of the scene today -- you want to really connect with at least one of your people and they are eager for your attention, too!


You just can't stop yowling and purring and otherwise making your feelings known -- no matter how many times the big people try to shush you! It's just one of those days that makes you want to sing!

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙