Your Daily CatScope for January 14, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You've got to maintain a bit more interest in the goings-on around the house, even if you'd much rather be outside and exploring the neighborhood. Things are important pretty much everywhere!


You're pretty laid-back today -- far more than usual -- and can take even things a like a vet visit in stride. You might still act a little bent out of shape, just to keep the humans on their toes!


You're one of the most flexible kitties out there, but that doesn't mean that you can just let everything go by without comment. Try hard to let people do what they want today, as much as you can.


You might not get to be quite as helpful as those seeing-eye dogs, but you do try. Today is a good time to show the humans what a great resource you can be, putting your skills to work for them.


You're so generous that someone might get a bit suspicious, but there's no ulterior motive. You might have to convince them you're just being nice and then everyone gets along well again.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


Let the events of the day just happen -- there's no way for you to control them now. Sometimes cats need to just fade into the background like bit players, but you'll be back in front pretty soon!


Try not to let any super-crazy activities get in the way of your deep thinking -- you've got a lot to ponder! It may be that you need to slink away on your own for a while, despite your good energy.


Things are suspiciously sweet today -- and your skeptical nature should make you even warier than usual. Nobody can trick you into a bath today, unless you want to get wet for some reason!


Your very best friends are all checking in with you to see what you want to do -- it's like it's your birthday, early in the year! Enjoy the attention and make sure to reflect some of it right back at them.


You're barely even paying attention to most things today, so focused are you on one odd little task or game. You might go almost all day long without even noticing that you haven't eaten!


You meet someone new, who might become something of a fixture around your territory. The odds are quite good that the two of you should get along really well together, so relax and welcome them!


You've got a lot on your mind right now and that could influence the way you speak to the humans in your life. Try to make sure you're not being short with them -- they deserve to see your best side!

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