Your Daily CatScope for January 03, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You are making things happen today and the humans are pretty happy about it. You may jump up in laps at every opportunity, rub against legs or just nudge them to remind you when it's feeding time.


Now is a great time to hang out with folks who don't seem to get you ordinarily. You may need to try something a bit different -- maybe playing with a dog, or curling up somewhere exposed outside.


It's one of those days when you'd rather not come out and face the day -- so why not spend some extra time snuggled up under the blankets or deep in the basement? It's just a quiet day for you.


You may feel as if someone is tailing you all day long -- but it feels weirdly comforting! It's like your feline guardian angel is a little closer and that may make things a little extra sweet.


You want everyone in the house to get along -- even those you're not so sure about. You may need to take a deep breath and see what happens when the two big personalities finally stare each other down.

What does your karmic journey hold? Discover your destiny with our Karma Report. ✨


You need to offer your services to the humans today -- whether they want them or not! Things are pretty good between you, but you could always make them a little better with a well-placed paw or purr.


You need to be sure that you're adapting to whatever is going on around you -- which is usually no big deal. For some reason, though, you can't seem to move quite fast enough. Ask for help!


You want to head out and see how far you can get before someone tries to stop you -- and it should be hard for them to do so, because you're feeling so sure of yourself! Exploration is in your lifeblood.


You and your best friend -- no matter what species they may be -- are feeling a bit out of sync today. There's no need for you to feel freaked out over this, as it's just the way it goes sometimes.


People are all freaking out over nothing in particular -- but you shouldn't worry about it too much. Just try to make sure that you're still in your same good mood when they're all tired out.


See if you can deal with that one person in your life who thinks they're in charge -- they may be trying to change your diet or rearrange the rules you've been living under and you're not having it!


Your feelings for your human pals are verging on epic and you should be sure to step up and tell them what's going on in your heart. It's a good time to make poetry out of your purring.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙