Your Daily CatScope for December 29, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You're like a bull in a china shop today -- the humans need to keep their eyes on you if they want to hang on to anything breakable! You can't help yourself, though, because you're just so darn restless!


You step right up to defend someone -- another cat, maybe -- who has come to your aid before. That kind of loyalty endears you to pretty much everyone who knows you and it just feels right.


It's a good day to just sit quietly on your own and revel in your secret knowledge. It might be as mundane as where you hid that one little tchotchke, or it might be much deeper than that.


You should be able to convince at least one human to do things your way, whether that means extra food, extra playtime or extra snuggling. You've got a way with purrs that's hard to resist!


One of the humans decides to start enforcing a rule that you either don't know about or had completely forgotten existed. It's kind of unfair, but they've got the opposable thumbs -- what can you do?

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You can take care of a million little feline chores and errands today and if the humans are mystified, so much the better! Maybe they'll start to catch on to your importance in the grand scheme of things.


You are all about food today -- either desperately begging for scraps or disdaining whatever the humans offer you. One way or another, though, you'll end up getting a pretty decent diet.


It's not exactly in your nature to compromise, but on days like today, you feel it's vital to at least to try to meet the humans halfway. If everyone can get along, then things could get a lot better soon.


There's so much you want to do today that it seems unlikely you can get to every last toy, game, friend and squirrel -- but you should still try! You may find hidden reserves of energy in there somewhere.


Today is the day to let the humans know exactly how you feel -- even if it's not exactly positive! Your gentle energy should let them know that all is well, even if there's something that needs adjustment.


You need to poke your nose into something new today, even if it feels weird or intimidating. There's only so much you can explore in one day, but if you start early, you can learn a lot!


Someone needs to make sure that they're paying attention to you, because your intuitive powers are so sharp that they're almost scary! See if you can find a good way to let the humans in on what you know.

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