Your Daily CatScope for December 28, 2021

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You can't trust anyone today -- except maybe your favorite human. See if you can slink away and avoid the hustle and bustle of your social life, but you can come back out in just a day or two.


If you want to get anything done today, you are almost certainly going to have to enlist the aid of some other cats -- or maybe another kind of critter. Teamwork is vital to getting anything done.


You are having the hardest time figuring out what your friends mean when they talk, meow or purr today -- it's all a big blur to you! That might get confusing, or you could just roll with it and have fun.


Whatever the big feline issues of the day are in your part of the world, your free-roaming mind can tackle them all. You may not get anywhere, but the journey is far more important than the destination.


The people you live with are all highly strung today -- and they think cats are neurotic! You may want to just pad around them in order to keep from setting any of them off with your presence.

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You need to pay a little more attention to the humans in your life -- they're not as dim as you might think! In fact, at least one of them knows far more about you and your ways than they let on.


You need to avoid all novelty today -- things are good enough as they are, don't you think? If you can stick to your feline routines as much as possible, things should be much better in a day or two.


You've got more going on than just basic cuteness and a few hunting instincts -- there are crazy talents you don't show off every often! Today is a good time for you to show the world what's really going on.


That brain of yours is incredibly active today, so see if you can get some time to ponder feline issues. If you can just stare off into space for a little while, all will make sense eventually.


Your natural inclinations may be hunting and sleeping, but you've got an artistic side, too! Today you may just want to kick back and enjoy the beauty of the world, or you may want to make something sweet.


Try your best to follow your own heart today -- you need to make sure that you're doing what feels right for you, even if the humans or other kitties in your life are pulling you in some other direction.


It's such an amazing day that you might be amazed at how many adventures you've had when it's all done! There's no need to pace yourself, so enjoy it all to the max and watch the other kitties fade.

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