Your Daily CatScope for December 26, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You may need to drop some game or snack you're working on when you see a human in need. Your altruistic energy is all-encompassing today and even that stupid dog might warrant your pity.


You are really starting to understand the humans in a deeper way and while they might not always act sensibly, at least you can see where they're coming from. Cut them a little more slack!


You're not feeling all that great, but if you can't be clear about it with the humans, they might decide you're sick -- and that means a visit to the vet! Make sure you only complain when you must.


Your good emotional energy is helping you to make the most of the day. See if you can get your friends to hang out and play with you -- they've got plenty to gain from making you happy!


Try a little creative play today, even if you're all by yourself. Things are going your way and you can ease on in to the next few days of positive energy if you just let things happen.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


You are completely befuddled by what's going on around you -- but that doesn't have to be a bad thing! You should try your best to just poke along and let the day do its own thing.


Try not to make a huge deal out of it, but you need to make sure that you're able to adapt when things start to get weird early today. By tonight, you should be able to count on others to pitch in.


The lines between reality and your fantasy life get a little blurry today -- what fun! You may accidentally swat at something that's not there or go a little crazy when the humans rile you up.


You're feeling a bit quieter than usual today and are perfectly content to just sit around and listen to the humans go on and on about whatever it is they like to meow about. Purr a little to show you care!


Step down off of your perch and join the humans in their activities -- even if they try to shoo you away! They need you more than they realize and you need them even more, so it's a good match.


You are all about your heart today and while your head may be screaming out for you to just hole up and take care of yourself, you finally decide to show off your compassionate side.


You're among friends no matter where you go today, so trust in fate a little more and accept a few tummy rubs from strangers. It's a good day to make new friends from all over the neighborhood.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.