Your Daily CatScope for December 13, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You've got to make sure that you're dealing with other people as they want to be dealt with -- use that big feline brain to judge whether or not you're giving them what they want from you.


Think about your health today -- before the humans start to do that kind of thinking for you! It's a good time to boost your immune system and do things that should help you feel better longer.


You're still filled with great energy today and should be able to cajole almost anyone else into joining in your games and cuddling. Whatever feels right to you should seem good to your friends!


Try not to get too excited when you realize that your favorite human has their own agenda. It's not that big a deal and they're actually right about the situation -- this time, at least!


You're pretty busy today, with all sorts of little feline jobs to so. You might decide to push forward into something new, thanks to the interesting energy you've got that keeps you in motion.

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You and a friend -- feline or otherwise -- need to cooperate if you each want to get your way. It doesn't necessarily mean compromise, but you've certainly got to reach an agreement of some kind.


You are having one of those near-perfect days that perfectly balances eating, sleeping, cuddling, playing and just generally hanging out with friends and family. Start purring and don't stop!


Try not to let anyone walk all over you, but don't exert yourself too strenuously, either. You've got to let your emotional batteries recharge today, so it's a good time to take a nice, long nap!


You can't help but make the humans laugh -- they're constantly surprised by your antics today! Sometimes you may be taking it all rather seriously, but they know that it's all in good fun.


Your bipedal friends are suddenly quite bossy and you don't like that much. When you look back on it tonight, though, you'll see they've got a point -- sometimes they're not just trying to keep you back!


Sure, it can be fun to play the super-aloof feline most of the time, but today your social energy is driving you to forge real connections with the people in your life. Even the dog is fair game!


You owe a friend a favor and now is a great time to repay them. Maybe all they need is someone to cuddle with, though it could be that you end up hunting down a juicy mouse for them!

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