Your Daily CatScope for December 13, 2021

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


If you live with kittens (maybe your own?), you should make extra time for them -- that youthful energy is perfect for you! Of course if you're still a kitten yourself, then the world is your can of tuna!


You're feeling somewhat put out over a minor infraction of your rules -- but it could be that you need to let this one go. Your energy is just a wee bit off today, and that could mean trouble,


You can't help yourself -- you need to argue and sass back today, even if the humans in your life have no idea what you're meowing about. Your social energy is a little confrontational, but not excessively so.


Use every bit of energy you've got today -- you've got to make the most of the situation while you can! If you're worried about taking a nap later, you're not going to have as much fun as you can!


You don't have to do things the same old way every day -- you can just as easily bust out with a creative feline idea for taking care of your business. Things are getting better and better for you!

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙


You can usually handle pretty much any level of activity on your feline agenda, but today proves to be a bit too much. Try to take a big nap in the middle of the day -- it may be all that saves you!


You're not a bold kitty, but you are still a natural leader -- sometimes! Today, you're showing others what needs to be done, even if they aren't necessarily paying attention at first.


You're in a little power struggle with the humans, but it's one that's not likely to work out well for you. See if you can get your people to just calm down for a little while so you can think.


Take that risk and show off for the humans or for that one cat you want to impress -- they are sure to look at you a little differently after you show them what you are capable of! It's easier than it looks.


You're more fiercely territorial than usual, so this may not be a good time to meet new kitties or other critters. Humans are probably okay, as long as they don't try to take food or toys away from you!


Focus in on one human or feline friend -- they deserve every bit of your attention and love! If they start to get overwhelmed, they can tell you so. Things are too good for you not to share!


Mind your own business today -- there's plenty going on in your own life that feels weird without worrying about your human friends and family, too! Just go about your feline business and regroup later.

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