Your Daily CatScope for December 01, 2021

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Whether you are dealing with crazy human rules or dopey dogs who think they own the place, you are prone to all sorts of frustration today! It's a good idea for you to try to get some alone time.


People are surprisingly open to your complaints today -- it's as if they're tuned into your wavelength! You still shouldn't go overboard, though, because their patience does have its limits.


You really want to see something change in your life -- maybe you want to go outside, maybe you need some new chow or maybe you just want some peace and quiet. Keep dreaming about it!


You're spending just a little too much time staring off into space -- the humans are sure to wonder what's up! Let them stay curious, though, as your good energy is perfect for deep thoughts.


You're entranced by something shiny or wiggly -- but there's no way that it's as cool as it looks! It may even be a little dangerous, so you may want to circle around it a few times before pouncing.

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You're a little impatient with your human pals today -- but there's no way to get them to hurry up with the chow or anything else. If you can accept their slow pace, you might really enjoy the day!


You've got a little too much going on upstairs -- you need to slow the brain down and have a good rest! If you can focus on one thing at a time, consider than a major accomplishment today.


You and your powerful feline imagination are almost unstoppable today -- you can sneak past barriers, trick dogs into ridiculous behavior and generally cause all kinds of wonderful mischief!


You feel a bit fretful today -- maybe you can't find your favorite toy, or maybe you're feeling more anxious about mealtime for some reason. You should try to relax -- all will be well soon!


You can be incredibly productive today -- things are aligned in your favor! All your feline tasks just fall away as you march through the day. The humans are mightily impressed, so show off!


You and your friends need to rethink things -- you may be pushing it too hard! The humans' patience is going to break one day, and you want to put that off fore as long as you can, right?


You are incredibly sweet and helpful today -- you could be a seeing-eye dog if you could only pass the physical! It's one of those days when all your friends are in awe of you amazing powers.

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