Your Daily CatScope for August 30, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You snap into action in a heartbeat and ought to find that people are amused and delighted by your antics. Of course, you're probably too wrapped up in your own sweet madness to care!


See if you can find a good way to hide out from the weird energy that's passing through the rest of the house -- it may seem like everyone wants to play rough-and-tumble games when you just want to nap!


You're not just playing with that toy mouse -- you're stalking it through the jungles or mountains that exist in your imagination. You are definitely taking things to a deeper level than yesterday.


Today is perfect for just doing whatever you feel like -- which is obvious to most cats, but not so much to you. Ignore requests for attention unless they seem especially interesting to you.


See how far away you can get from your usual routines -- it shouldn't really be that hard for you to find some new place or activity to mess around in. Bring a kitty friend along for extra fun!

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Every now and then, you earn your keep and today is definitely one of those days. Someone close needs consolation, or maybe just a good long purr and you're the perfect solution to their problems.,


You need to tell the management what's going on, even if they're not prepared for your feedback. Yowl a little, purr a little and show them what's going right and wrong in your opinion.


You're in a pretty good place, socially speaking -- though you may be more susceptible to suggestion than usual. Play along with your friends, kitties or humans, but make sure you play it safe!


Your good nature is in perfect sync with the rest of the world today and it's easy for you to share your mood with just about anyone who is nearby. See if you can lift someone's spirits with a stealth purr.


Most kitties can't focus for more than a few seconds or maybe all of a minute, but you can keep at that ball of yarn or frustrating hunt practically forever -- especially on a day like today!


Do you hang out with other kitties, or other, lesser critters? Today is the day you teach them something new -- even that old dog can learn, despite the bad press. Gather them round and show them what's what.


You're staring out the window or at odd spots on the wall and the humans think you're nuts. Just because you can see things they can't they think they can judge you -- how is that fair?

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.