Your Daily CatScope for August 23, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Things are pretty boring today, but that's okay, right? Every now and then you need to recharge your batteries so you can go nuts for a while and enjoy everything that life has to offer.


Enjoy the day and the good energy it brings -- you should find that there's far more fun to be had than there was just yesterday! See if you can get your furry friends to join in -- or make some new ones!


You've got something to say -- but it feels like nobody else wants to hear it! They've just got their own stuff going on, so maybe it's a good time to keep quiet and then tell them all about it later.


You may find it a lot easier to get your point across to your human friends today, thanks to the good energy that bridges the gap between you. If things are good or not so much, let them know!


You're feeling a bit too spooked about the food situation -- but you'll be fine in the end. Every now and then, your worries about your physical safety are just blown way out of proportion to reality.

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You win big when you're playing with the bird on a string or whatever else it is that consumes your attention today. All the humans get to see you as a big winner, so that ought to feel pretty sweet!


You're able to see the little details that others miss and that could mean a little extra food for you today. It could also just be that you're better informed about any new social developments!


You know something that almost nobody else does and that makes you as happy as can be. Sit quietly, reveling in your secret knowledge and just watch as your human and furry friends get more confused!


Are you in trouble again? Don't look so surprised -- you have a knack for stirring things up and today is not a good day to rile up authority figures. Those humans just don't know what to do with you!


You've got a lot to think about -- for a feline, that is! Find a good spot to settle down and get to work, because your energy is absolutely perfect for figuring out what to do with your life.


When you're dealing with other cats -- or fur balls of any kind, really -- make sure that you're just a little bit warier than usual. It's not like they're out for blood, but they might have hidden agendas.


Once again, you find yourself focused on your close family member -- human, feline and other. Play, groom, snuggle and do whatever else it takes to reassure each other that you all care plenty.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.