Your Daily CatScope for August 16, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


Life is pretty easy for you, really and right now you can tell that things are just about to get even easier. Maybe the food situation is loosening up, or maybe you get to go outside whenever you want.


You may confuse the heck out of your human pals with your erratic behavior today, but don't let that slow you down! You've got plenty to do -- or so you think -- and you need to keep on the move.


You are filled with spectacularly good energy today and can easily make a career out of just whipping through the neighborhood, stirring up trouble but not staying long enough to get caught.


You might very well spend all day just sitting there, staring off into space, as your inner purrs and yowls compete for your attention. The humans might wonder, but let them think what they want to think.


Your friendly energy makes others want to hang out with you, even if all you're doing is napping and occasionally washing your paws. Let them linger, but don't make any promises you can't fulfill!

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You absolutely amaze someone with your quick reaction. Maybe they drop a scrap of food on the floor, or maybe you swipe that toy birdie out of the air faster than anyone can see you move.


You and your big kitty brain are perfectly in tune with the day's good energy and should find that there's no problem you can't solve together. It's a good time to just sit quietly and ponder.


You need to skulk around the house with a bit more care today, thanks in part to your odd energy and in part to other the willingness of other critters to get in your face over the smallest transgression.


You spend all day sitting and thinking big feline thoughts, but just as you're about to reach your epiphany, it seems that it's meal time or you get distracted by a passing bird or squirrel.


You can't shut up today, though your human pals sure don't know what you're yowling about! That's okay -- don't let up until you get exhausted. Sometimes you just need to keep them on their toes!


You and your best friend -- whomever that may be -- are totally focused on each other today and should spend as much time as possible playing, grooming each other and generally making nice.


It's the perfect day to hide out under a bed or up high in the closet -- anywhere your unseen enemies can't get to you! Of course, the humans will protect you in the end, but it's good to be sure.

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