Your Daily CatScope for August 15, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You are totally obsessed with your toys and other gear, so much so that you might just find that it's easier to drag them under a bed or somewhere else where you can just be alone with them all.


You're still feeling great, but you might be a bit too intense for some people or kitties, so try to let them off easily if they start to get nervous. Things are too good to really worry, though!


See if you can find the patience within you to wait out the current weird situation. That's not a quality you're well know for, but it should pay off in a big way if you can pull it off.


Chow time doesn't have to be a mad dash -- see if you can savor at least one moment today, especially if there are several of you sharing one bowl. You can make it happen, despite your urges.


How do the other kitties in the neighborhood see you? You can be a great leader, though you may not want to step up to that challenge. It's a good time to show off and let them make up their own minds.

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You're thinking pretty deeply today, but the humans think you're just being lazy. Little do they know that you've just about figured out your role in the universe (hint: it's at or near the very center).


It's easy for you to draw people in today and you may find that they're more than willing to let you take all the time you need to find the perfect position when you want to take a nap on them.


You hate change -- it's part of being a cat. Today, though, you should try to open up to whatever it is that's freaking you out, as you may find that things are a lot better after you adjust.


You're focused on little details and can't help but obsess a little bit when things start to get intense. You might see things that nobody else does -- which could mean than people decide you're nuts.


Pick a target and start purring at them as soon as possible -- then make a beeline for their lap! Your loving instincts are at their peak right now and you shouldn't let them go to waste for a moment!


No matter how old you are, today is perfect for lying about and just thinking about old times. Good games, good food, good people -- they're in your future, too, but now you're tied up in memory-land.


You are totally in love with one human, kitty, toy or some other fluffy presence in your life and you can't shower it with enough affection. It may be time for a bath or a good long nap together.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙