Your Daily CatScope for April 25, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You and your sneezes are starting to worry the humans -- so you'd better shape up fast if you don't want to get bundled up for a visit to the vet! You know you're okay, so why can't they see it?


You're the sweetest kitty anyone has ever seen -- and your good energy helps you make friends even among those who don't like your kind so much. You're funny and sweet and everyone's best friend!


You need to spread good cheer far and wide -- and that's easy for someone like you! Your great energy makes you incredibly talkative, though most folks haven't got a clue what you're actually saying!


You're feeling pretty relaxed right now and might spend most of the day just giving yourself a nice, long bath -- or finding someone else to bathe! You're no neat freak, but you do like to keep it clean.


You're just feeling a wee bit shy today and might want to sneak off underneath some big piece of furniture in order to get some quiet time. You just need to recharge a little bit longer.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


You're on top of your schedule in a new way today -- you're like an efficiency expert in feline form! Everyone loves watching you zip around the house, taking care of all your important business.


You need to do your own thing today and try to take care of your own needs as much as possible. That might not be easy for you, but thousands of feline generations before you had no trouble with it!


You're in such a good mood today that you might just help the humans find their keys -- or something else you decided it would be fun to hide! Your playful nature gives way to sweetness with ease.


You should do your best to avoid asking the humans for anything today -- they are grumpier than they appear and don't have time for anything that doesn't seem totally vital to them!


You're feeling quite energetic today and should be able to pack in a lot of fun if you get started right away! Mix it up with your fellow felines, cuddle with the humans, stalk a few bugs and don't forget to bathe!


People are looking at you funny today -- more so than usual, even! They may just have different ideas about what they want to do with the day, so try to let them do their own weird thing.


Turn your brain off today and just motor through your world on instinct The humans will think you've lost it, but you'll have too much fun to care and should inspire others to do the same!

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