Your Daily CatScope for April 18, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


If you get frustrated today, don't give up! You can still get your way and find alternatives, no matter what weirdness seems to be going down and your can-do attitude should take you far!


You may feel more forgiving toward that human kid or other obnoxious critter who is playing too roughly or trying to get you to do something you don't wan to do. Hope they don't make a habit of it!


This is not a good time for you to slink away from conflicts or keep your mouth shut when things go wrong. Everyone needs to hear how you're feeling and it's not that hard to speak your mind!


You should be able to influence people with much greater ease right now, thanks to your good energy and persuasive ways. Even if you can't spell out exactly what you want, they'll get the gist of it.


You've got to take care of something you left unfinished yesterday -- before the humans get to it! They might go on one of their cleaning sprees and ruin everything you've worked so hard for.

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You've got a lot to think about and should find a nice, quiet spot to settle down and chew on it all. If anyone thinks you're being lazy, just give them the evil eye until they leave you alone!


You're feeling pretty suspicious of one of your friends today, but not for any specific reason. Communication is just weird and they aren't plotting anything big -- honestly! Try to relax a bit.


Cats are naturally aloof and you need to draw on that energy in order to make sure that you get through the day okay. Nothing is permanent and if you can relax your attachments, things work fine for you.


All you want to do today is lounge by the food dish and hint to the humans that it's meal time -- even when they just fed you! Don't let yourself get too bloated with food, though, 'cause you need to stay trim!


Don't make a huge deal out of it, but you ought to be able to get your way with ease -- and without moving a muscle, really! Just let the humans know when your pleased or displeased and the rest takes care of itself.


You need to deal with older kitties or maybe humans who just get along really well with cats. You may not be a kitten yourself, but you might feel a little naive compared with their wisdom.


It's a great time to explore your creative side -- you've got a lot to say and though the humans don't always get you, they should pick up on your most basic meaning if you work at it.

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