Your Daily CatScope for April 12, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


As a rule, cats aren't generally all that into new things or changes to the routine -- but you are willing to make an exception today! Something that's way more fun than you would have thought pops up.


Today is perfect for maintaining the status quo, even if people seem determined to change things up. Just go about your business as if everything is the same and maybe it'll stay that way!


You may have been firmly in favor of one plan or another earlier this month, but today brings a fresh perspective that lets you change your mind with ease. The humans won't know what hit them!


You won't get your way today if you tug at the heartstrings -- people aren't going to fall for that one! You need to be straightforward about your desires and see how long it takes for them to get it.


Today, you need to make sure that you're able to deal with all the weirdness that's coming your way. As long as you can keep moving, you should be fine -- but if you stand your ground, things get weird!

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You need to make sure you're not just sitting there, fat and happy, just letting life pass you by! There's so much you can do, even if you're trapped indoors -- try a new game or a new toy!


Try not to spend too much time alone today -- you've got a knack for helping folks just by spending time with them and purring now and then! You really seem to understand their problems.


You've got to slow down a little bit, because your human pals aren't all that excited about your big plans. It might be a good time for you to stay out of sight, at least until they wise up.


You and one other critter make a real connection today -- one that feels great to both of you! Maybe you're cuddling, maybe you're wrestling, but it's good fun for you and those who get to watch.


You're all about the food bowl today or maybe your toys -- whatever you use to measure your feline wealth. It might make the humans fall out laughing, but you don't care, because you've got what's yours.


Your smarts are getting you into all kinds of trouble today -- but it's way too much fun to stop! See if you can get your human pals to slide out of the way for a little while so you can romp!


Spend the day lost in though (or napping) near a window or somewhere with a good view. Nobody needs to know what's really going on in your head -- it could be dreams of world domination!

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