Your Daily CatScope for April 02, 2023

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


On most days, you're looking out pretty much strictly for yourself, but right now you're feeling much more in tune with your friends and family. See if they need anything from you!


You may have a touch of hypochondria today, thanks to one sneeze or sniffle that makes you think the worst. After all, what do you hate more than the vet? This time, though, things are probably just fine.


You are a little love bomb right now and the humans in your life are sure to feel the effects! You might just look at them longingly from your perch, or you might crawl up into any lap that seems warm and friendly.


You and the humans aren't really on the same page today, but that doesn't mean it's time to hit the road! Try to compromise, or see if you can just ride this one out, as it shouldn't last too long.


You're fascinated by all the toys the humans love and might try to play with them when they're at the keyboard or on the phone. You can get them going and then wander off for a while.

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You may just sit there all day, unable to make up your mind about what to do next. Things just aren't quite right, or maybe all of your options seem equally attractive, in either case, it's time for a nap!


It seems like everyone around you is checking you out today -- and most want to be friends! It's a great time to flirt and play with new people and other cats, so enjoy the socializing!


You're feeling quieter than ever right now -- so go find a nice quiet corner of the closet to take a nap in, or at least somewhere you won't be bothered too much. Things are about to get crazy!


You need to make sure that all your friends are involved when you decide to have fun today -- and it should be easier than ever to include them in! Folks are looking to you for fun and companionship.


A new cat, kid or some other critter poses a challenge to your sweet situation today See if you can make life a little more interesting for them -- there's no need to bring them down just yet!


You're all about your own ideas and needs today and should find that other people are too, for the most part. The humans are doing human things and the cats are doing cat things, so enjoy!


You need to get your humans to acknowledge a few simple truths about your relationship. You may not track down mice, but you can at least show them a few tricks that are worth your keep!

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!