What are daemons and dust, exactly? A refresher guide to Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials universe(s)

Ruth Wilson in His Dark Materials  - 2
Ruth Wilson in His Dark Materials - 2

For those of us who grew up dreaming of our very own daemon and secretly coveting a knife with the power to slice between worlds, these are exciting times. The BBC's lavish new TV version of Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials books have plunged readers back into the author's fantasy world, almost 25 years after the first book was published.

Series one of Jack Thorne's adaptation is based on the first book in the original His Dark Materials trilogy, Northern Lights, while series two (already commissioned) will follow the plot of The Subtle Knife. A third series, should it happen, will adapt on The Amber Spyglass. (Pullman began a second trilogy with The Book of Dust, in 2017.)

For long-time readers (or first-time viewers), here's a quick refresher on Lord Asriel, alethiometers, and the shape-shifting properties of daemons.

Where are the books set?

The first book of the trilogy, Northern Lights, takes place in a universe that is a little like ours but also strikingly different. There’s an Oxford, and an Oxford university, and some of the streets and buildings correlate with those in our world – but others are completely changed. The technology is also different, with some elements more advanced than ours and others less so.

Furthermore, while people still speak English, the exact language they use has evolved to be subtly different. Alternative names are employed for many countries and technologies – but, crucially, most of these names are not simple fantasy inventions. Instead, they’re plausible archaic alternatives; words that, if things had been just slightly different, we might have ended up adopting ourselves.

The His Dark Materials trilogy
The His Dark Materials trilogy

Electricity in this world, for instance, is called anbaric, from the Arabic word for amber. But amber, in Latin, is called electrum, and, because the substance was known to produce static when rubbed, giving rise to our own word electricity. (This Oxford Dictionaries blog contains a more detailed explanation, as well as a full guide to Pullman’s clever etymology.)

The people and creatures of the Norther Lights world are stranger too: in addition to “regular” human beings there are witches, who fly in the North on sprays of cloud pine, and mighty armored polar bears.

The explanation behind all these intricately crafted variations becomes apparent later on, when we discover that Lyra’s universe is just one of many parallel alternate universes. The second book of the trilogy, The Subtle Knife, opens in our own universe and introduces us to Will, a desperate young boy on the run. Later on, Will crosses into another universe, and becomes the bearer of a precious (and incredibly dangerous) knife with the ability to cut between the many worlds.

By the time we reach the third book, The Amber Spyglass, the characters are crossing between a number of different universes.

Philip Pullman, winning the 2002 Whitbread Book Award for his The Amber Spyglass - Credit: Geoff Pugh
Philip Pullman, winning the 2002 Whitbread Book Award for his The Amber Spyglass Credit: Geoff Pugh

What are daemons?

Perhaps the biggest difference between our world and Lyra’s is that, in the latter, all human beings are accompanied, throughout their lives, by a daemon: a physical, animate, animal-formed manifestation of their soul. Human and daemon are separate – they can speak to each other, comfort each other and even argue – but they are also, simultaneously, one being.

The daemons of children can shift form in seconds, reflecting the mood or situation of the person they are connected to, as well as their own whims and desires. But, after the onset of puberty, a daemon will adopt a settled form, which is usually reflective of the person’s true personality. Those who love to serve and obey, for instance, will often have dogs as daemons. Lyra’s domineering father, Asriel, has an imposing snow leopard – and her beautiful yet cruel mother, Mrs Coulter, has a lustrous yet evil-faced golden monkey.

The books later make it clear, however, that all human beings, in all universes, have daemons – but people in some worlds (such as our own) are unable to see them.

What is Dust and how does religion fit in?

In Northern Lights, the powerful, authoritarian Magisterium (the name used to refer to the Church in Lyra’s world) is obsessed with a type of particle known as Dust. In our own world, we learn in the second book, scientists have also been investigating the mysterious elementary particles, which they refer to as Shadows – and which, strange as it may seem, appear to be conscious.

Dust is linked to human activity, to the onset of adulthood and, according to the Magisterium, to the biblical concept of Original Sin. To them, Dust is evil, and they seek to destroy it, carrying out cruel experiments to separate children from their daemons before they can grow up, in an attempt to shield them from the corrupting influence of Dust.

The beautiful, blasphemous idea at the heart of the trilogy, however, is that Original Sin is a good thing. It’s what gives us our free will, and the ability to take pleasure in earthly things, and to think and love for ourselves.

Dakota Blue Richards and Nicole Kidman on The Golden Compass - Credit: Ronald Grant
Dakota Blue Richards and Nicole Kidman in the film The Golden Compass Credit: Ronald Grant

Ultimately, the books are about fighting back against anything that might seek to control these things – and, in The Amber Spyglass, a full scale war is launched against not only the corrupt church, but against the Kingdom of Heaven itself.

Pullman draws upon the Bible, and Milton’s Paradise Lost, but turns many traditional religious ideas on their head. God is revealed to be a decrepit, pitiful creature, who ceased ruling long ago – and who was never truly a creator. Angels are ancient, but subject to their own desires and ambitions, with many of them joining the battle to overthrow their ruler.

There is no heaven for the dead, but a bleak, sad, lost world, where countless ghosts dwell in misery – until Lyra and Will set them free, allowing them to scatter, die, and connect once again with the physical realm.

Lyra herself, a prophecy reveals, is also fated to be a second Eve, bringing about a new Fall – and preventing the loss of Dust from the world.

What happens in Northern Lights (in a nutshell)?

We meet 12-year-old Lyra, who has spent a largely carefree childhood growing up as a ward of Jordan College, Oxford. She believes her parents died at birth, and that her only living relative is Lord Asriel, her powerful, distant uncle.

Her best friend Roger is kidnapped along with many other children by a mysterious church body known as the General Oblation Board, and Lyra eventually joins with a group of boat-dwelling gyptians, who are travelling to the north to recover their own lost children. They take Lyra along with them because she has intuitively, mysteriously learned how to read an alethiometer.

The precious, compass-like device usually takes a lifetime of study to master, but can reveal the truth when read correctly. She finds out from the gyptians that Asriel, who has been captured by polar bears, is her father, and that the beautiful, evil Mrs Coulter, an agent of the Church, is her mother.

Lyra (Dafne Keene) with her daemon Pantalaimon, in His Dark Materials - Credit: BBC
Lyra (Dafne Keene) with her daemon Pantalaimon, in His Dark Materials Credit: BBC

In the North, Lyra meets an armored polar bear, ousted King Iorek Byrnison, and helps reunite him with his precious stolen armor. She also discovers that the Dust-obsessed General Oblation board, led by Mrs Coulter, are carrying out horrific experiments on the lost children, severing them from their daemons – and often killing them in the process. She manages to rescue the children,  including her friend Roger, who were being held prisoner at a research station named Bolvangar.

While escaping, Lyra is captured by bears, but uses her talent for lying to trick Iorek’s usurper, helping Iorek reclaim his lost throne. She is then reunited with her father Asriel  – but finds Asriel is intent on his own experiments. He has been pursuing the same line of research as the General Oblation Board but has taken things much further, and discovered the existence of parallel worlds.

In need of a child to complete his research, he is horrified when Lyra appears, but relieved when he sees she has Roger with her. Betraying his daughter’s trust, he separates Roger from his daemon, killing him – and uses the energy released to break through into a new world. Mrs Coulter, his old lover, turns down the chance to join him – but a broken-hearted Lyra later follows, determined to find out more about Dust for herself.

What happens in The Subtle Knife?

Will, a young boy from our world (and our Oxford) who has grown up looking after his mentally ill mother, goes on the run after he accidentally kills a man – and steps through a window into another universe. In this new world, he discovers Lyra, who has been surviving in a seemingly abandoned city, Cittàgazze.

Determined to find out the truth about his long-lost explorer father, and the men seemingly on his trail – one of whom was the man he killed – Will passes back into his Oxford, where he discovers that his father vanished 12 ago during an expedition. Lyra, meanwhile, follows the guidance of the alethiometer, which tells her to visit scientist Mary Malone, who has been working on Shadows (otherwise known as Dust). She encourages an astounded Mary to try and talk to the Shadows, convincing her that they truly are conscious.

A man named Sir Charles Latrom, later revealed to be a corrupt nobleman from Lyra’s own world, tricks Lyra and steals her alethiometer – and demands that, if they want it back, Will and Lyra must steal a precious knife for him. The knife is located in the world they just left – but Sir Charles cannot enter it, due to the fact that it is overrun by soul-eating spectres, who prey on adults and leave lifeless shells in their place. This explains why Cittàgazze appeared to be deserted, save for feral gangs of children.

The alethiometer, as seen in The Golden Compass
The alethiometer, as seen in The Golden Compass

Despite Sir Charles’s covetous ambitions, Will himself becomes the bearer of the knife, which marks him out as such by severing two of his fingers. He learns to use it to travel between worlds, cutting windows that allow him and Lyra to pass through, and the pair use this newfound ability to steal back the alethiometer. Mary, meanwhile, communicates with the Dust, who tell her to cross through the Oxford window, following after Will and Lyra, and promise her she’ll be safe from the spectres. They also tell her that she must “play the serpent”.

At the very end of the book, Will is united with his father, John Parry, who managed to cross worlds many years ago and has been living in Lyra’s world as explorer turned shaman Stanislaus Grumman. Just as he and Will realise their relationship, Grumman is murdered by a vengeful witch, whose love he once turned down.

What happens in The Amber Spyglass?

As Lord Asriel puts together a vast army, determined to bring down the Kingdom of Heaven once and for all, Mrs Coulter (Marisa) kidnaps Lyra, hiding her from the Church to keep her safe. She has learnt that Lyra is fated to be the next Eve, bringing about a new Fall, and knows that the Magisterium will try to kill her.  Despite her evil life and otherwise ruthless nature, she is now determined to save her daughter. She keeps Lyra in a drugged sleep – during which Lyra dreams of her dead friend Roger, who begs her for help.

Will, meanwhile, is accosted by two angels, Balthamos and Baruch, who tell him that he must go to Lord Asriel. Instead, Will insists that they rescue Lyra – and, because he is in possession of the powerful knife (which can cut through any substance, as well as between worlds) the angels reluctantly agree.

James McAvoy as Lord Asriel in His Dark Materials - Credit: BBC
James McAvoy as Lord Asriel in His Dark Materials Credit: BBC

Mary, meanwhile, has discovered a new world, populated by diamond-shaped creatures known as the Mulefa, whom she discovers to be intelligent and skilled. Living with them, she finds out about their own relationship with Dust (which they know as sraf) and learns that Dust is  mysteriously drifting away from their world, putting their way of life in danger.

After Will finds and rescues Lyra, with the help of polar bear Iorek Byrnison, the pair are joined by two spies of Lord Asriel’s: diminutive, dragonfly-riding Gallivespians. Following Lyra’s lead, Will, Lyra and the Gallivespians then travel to the world of the dead, where they find that ghosts are trapped, forever, in a lifeless wasteland.

To journey there, Lyra must leave her daemon behind – and Will discovers that he too must have had a daemon, as he experiences a similar wrenching loss. Will is reunited with the ghost of his father, and Lyra with the ghost of Roger. The children decide to free all the spirits by opening a new window, allowing them to pass back out into the physical world, where they will disintegrate and scatter, reconnect with nature, and finally be at piece.

As Lord Asriel’s war against heaven begins, Marisa Coulter journeys to the Clouded Citadel, home of The Authority (or God). God himself, it is revealed, is  far too frail and ancient to be a threat anymore – but Marisa tricks his powerful regent, the angel Metatron, into trusting her. She then betrays him to Lord Asriel. Together, the former lovers sacrifice their lives, killing Metatron in order to protect their daughter Lyra.

Lyra and Will pass through into the world of the Mulefa, where an assassin sent by the Church to murder Lyra is finally thwarted by Balthamos. Mary talks to Will and Lyra about why she herself abandoned the Church (in our world) to become a scientist, revealing that she gave up being a nun because of her desire to feel romantic love again. Later, Will and Lyra realise that they have fallen in love and kiss; in doing so, they halt the drift of dust, bringing it back to the world.

Tragically, however, it is revealed that the pair will not be able to live together, as no one can dwell for an extended period in a world that is not their own without sickening and eventually dying. Furthermore, they learn, all the windows between worlds must be closed save for one, because it is the windows which create the life-sapping spectres. Realising that they must keep the window open for the dead,  rather than following their own desires, Will and Lyra return to their respective homes, determined to “build the republic of heaven” in their own worlds.

Have you watched His Dark Materials? Was it a faithful adaptation? Share your review in the comments section below.