Dad's Solution to Feeding His Fast-Eating Dog Could Make Millions

We would buy one immediately.

You might be surprised to learn just how many dogs out there are very fast eaters. It could come from their competitive and survival instincts to finish as fast as possible. Or maybe the food is just so good they can't slow down. Whatever the case might be, eating too fast can be dangerous.

That's why TikTok user @whiskey_n_oliver decided to build a special food bowl for his Black Labrador named Oliver. Oliver eats too fast and isn't able to retain any weight. Thankfully, dad's invention is changing how he eats and it's SO cool. Check it out!

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LOL! No wonder this clip has over 3.4 million views within the first day of being posted - it's brilliant! Instead of scarfing down his meal, Oliver actually has to spin it for his food to come out. So it's a two-in-one invention - a game and food! Does it get any better than that?!

"The slow-feeder dog bowls have nothing on this! This is the best thing I have ever seen. You really should patent it!" said @a.warnerobin. That's what we're saying! Hundreds, if not thousands of people would buy this. He could make millions! "Well, that's thinking outside the box. GENIUS!" added @lucylou384. Right?!

Although, it might only be a smart invention until our dogs outsmart it. @themarvelousjessicajones wrote, "My dog would spin it like he's on the Price is Right.' LMAO! We can totally picture that.

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