Dad lied about coronavirus symptoms to visit wife in delivery room, NY hospital says

A Rochester, New York man lied about having coronavirus symptoms last week to visit his wife at the maternity ward at Strong Memorial Hospital, media outlets reported.

UR Medicine said Monday it would start taking temperatures of visitors before they were allowed inside Strong, Highland, and three other hospitals, according to Democrat & Chronicle. UR Medicine and Rochester Regional Health is also requiring patients, staff and visitors to wear masks, the outlet reported.

Hospital officials said that the wife showed coronavirus symptoms after she gave birth -- and the husband admitted that he was sick -- WROC reported.

Some private hospitals have forbidden visitors in the maternty wards, according to The New York Post. New. York Gov.Andrew Cuomo ordered all hospitals on Saturday to allow partners in delivery rooms.

“In no hospital in New York will a woman be forced to be alone when she gives birth,” Cuomo tweeted, according to The New York Post. “Not now, not ever.”