Dachshund Race at NFL Game Will Turn Anyone Into a Football Fan

Football isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and those who work at stadiums know that. Because otherwise, they wouldn’t plan such amazing entertainment to keep everyone engaged. And if there was a Super Bowl for best half-time performance it would without a doubt go to Seattle Seahawks.

TikTok user @liamatt posted a clip of what the Seahawks did during halftime and it’s INCREDIBLE. They brought to the field the fastest and cutest Dachshunds to for a Wiener dog race. Now, that’s our kind of halftime show!

O.M.G. Stop it! We don’t care how much tickets would cost, we’d be in the front row for this any day of the week. And we have a feeling everyone else forgot about the game. All eyes focused on these adorable puppos!

“This is by far the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” commented @shakeandbake_. Right?! We need every football game to have a dog race during halftime. @beverlyadaeze added, “I wish I was there.” That’s the only thing we want in this life – to be at a wiener dog race. LOL!

The Seahawks announced the winner as Mayo. Mayo then did a race with Rally, the corgi dog winner of the Corgi Cup that happened earlier in the season. Rally was crowned the ultimate winner. But honestly, the fans won because that was AMAZING! “Corgi said, ‘Put me in coach.’” Wrote @hana.lilia7. HA! He was trying to impress the scouts for next season.

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