Cyclist Expertly Drifts Wet Corner

There is a stereotype that mountain bikers are fun-loving free spirits while roadies are overly serious fun suckers only concerned about their FTP.

While there is a tiny bit of truth to this on a broad level, it does not mean roadies can’t mess around for fun either. Watch Liam Yates powerslide a corner on a training road ride.

In this video, Liam Yates puts his foot out, grabs the rear brake, and drifts around a switchback. The clip is a great example of tomfoolery so common in mountain biking bleeding over into road.

The stunt would likely not have worked had it been a dry road. Thankfully for Yates, wet pavement is far more slick. To get an example of what I mean, watch Tour de France rider Fabian Cancellara wash out in a wet corner below.

Skids like this are a fun activity to do on your bike, as long as you are prepared to buy another tire. Skidding is a great way to wear through one quickly.

Liam Yates is a British cyclist who is best known for organizing an adventure ride through Sussex called the Ssx Mystery Tour.

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