Cutting Out Bacon And Booze Could Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer By 40%

Photo credit: Parker Feierbach
Photo credit: Parker Feierbach

From Delish

We already know that the best things in life-fatty bacon, crisp beer, greasy cheeseburgers-are also the worst things for us. But we eat them any way; everything in moderation, right? Welp, not exactly. Ditching bacon and booze from our diet could reduce your risk of cancer up to 40 percent, according to major new findings from the World Cancer Research Fund.

The WCRF's research surveyed more than 50 million people and this year focused more on specific dietary recommendations than ever before. The researchers urged people to eat moderate amounts of red meat, limit consumption of soft drinks and processed foods-especially meats, like bacon-and reduce drinking.

Unsurprisingly, the researchers also recommend ditching fast food and sugars from our diet, so... 2019 is looking bleak.

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