Trying Dry January Could Improve Your Weight, Sleep, and Immune System

Photo credit: Ilona Nagy - Getty Images
Photo credit: Ilona Nagy - Getty Images

For many of us, plenty of social situations are inextricably linked to drinking—especially around the holidays. From after-work happy hours to catching up with friends, family reunions to intimate dinners, alcohol is woven into the fabric of our most important relationships. But it doesn’t have to be.

That’s where Dry January comes in: After the excess of the holidays, it’s a chance to pass an entire month (and kick off a new year) without a sip of wine, beer, liquor, or hard seltzer. Some people take on the challenge as part of a resolution to drink less, while others do it to detox after a few too many festive cocktails and glasses of red wine during the holiday season.

Whether you’re a Dry January devotee or entirely new to the concept, there’s real science behind the trend—and it could be worth a shot in 2022. Here, experts break down how Dry January works, the challenge’s potential benefits, and how to explore sober-curiosity for yourself in the new year.

What is Dry January?

Started by a British organization called Alcohol Change UK and boasting millions of followers, Dry January challenges adults to abstain from alcohol throughout the first month of the new year in order to reset their relationship with booze. It’s no accident that the charge takes place in January, when plenty of us are making New Year’s resolutions (not to mention recovering from the excesses of the holidays).

You may notice that you’ve gained an extra pound or two, aren’t sleeping too well, or generally want a health reset, says Dawn Brighid, M.S., C.N.S., C.D.N., an integrative nutritionist and health coach at Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in New York City. Plus, the short-term, 31-day commitment feels doable for most people, she explains.

What are the benefits of Dry January?

Going sober for a month might help you better understand how alcohol affects your body and mind—and it could just convince you to stay sober for good. Regardless of your intentions, most people can expect to experience some pretty profound benefits after quitting booze.

1. You’ll learn a lot about your relationship with alcohol

Since alcohol is such a big part of socializing, drinking can become mindless—something you never really question. If this sounds true for you, “you will benefit greatly from taking a step back and rethinking your patterns during a dry January,” Brighid says. “It’s a great opportunity to tune into your body and see how it’s really affecting you.” After January, you might realize that you want (or need) to drink less alcohol, she notes.

If you’re concerned that you might have an unhealthy relationship with booze, Aaron White, Ph.D., senior scientific advisor to the director of the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) recommends checking out the organization’s Rethinking Drinking website, which can help you assess your alcohol use heading into a dry January. (Their Treatment Navigator can also help you learn more about getting help.)

2. Your mental health might improve

Although enjoying a beer at the end of a tough workday might lift your spirits, long-term alcohol use is actually associated with negative mental health outcomes. (Alcohol is a depressant, after all.) For example, one 2015 study found a link between excessive drinking and poor mental health across socioeconomic lines, “especially with a lack of life satisfaction and psychological distress.” Another from 2021 discovered an association between daily alcohol use and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic.

These results do not mean that alcohol causes mental health issues, or that Dry January can fix depression, but taking away the option might help you address underlying issues that you’ve been ignoring. Plus, a 2019 study found that adults who give up drinking, particularly women, experience a boost to their mental health.

3. You could save money

According to research on 857 British men and women who participated in Dry January published in the journal Health Psychology, 79% reported that they saved money. Think about how much you spend on drinks at bars and restaurants, plus weekly re-ups of beer and wine at the store. What could you do with that money otherwise?

4. Your sleep and energy may improve

“Even if you think alcohol helps you fall asleep, it often leads to restless sleep throughout the night,” Brighid explains. “Given that, removing alcohol can lead to more restorative sleep and more energy during the day.” According to the NIAAA, processing alcohol suppresses the deepest stage of sleep (called REM), which is largely responsible for feeling well-rested each morning. Research backs this up, with 62% of participants in the Health Psychology study reporting better sleep and energy.

5. You might even lose weight

Since alcohol contains empty calories and is often a significant source of carbs, cutting it out for a month can support weight loss, Brighid says. Plus, you also eliminate the risk of making not-so-healthy eating choices after having a few drinks. (Be honest: How many times have you indulged in fries or pizza after a few too many drinks?)

Even just 31 days without alcohol can make a difference, considering almost half of the Health Psychology study participants reported losing weight during Dry January. Other research confirms the link between alcohol consumption and weight; an older study, for example, identified a positive link between drinking and weight gain in middle-aged men, regardless of the type of alcohol they consumed.

6. You could drink less afterward

During a dry January, “that glass of wine at dinner or happy hour with coworkers will need a substitution,” Brighid says. Once you’ve established that, yes, you can totally order a club soda at the bar, you may continue to do so after Dry January. In fact, 50% of the Health Psychology study participants reported that they drank less often—and had fewer drinks—throughout the six months after their dry month ended.

7. Your immune system might get a boost

A 2015 study found that binge drinking—imbibing in four or more drinks for women or five or more for men in a single event—results in a period of increased immune activity followed by a lull lasting at least five hours. Translation: Substantial drinking could cause your immune system to be less effective, which is never a good thing at the height of cold and flu season. Plus, per a 2007 review, excessive alcohol consumption is linked with suppressed immune systems and higher incidences of infectious diseases.

8. Your body will thank you

Alcohol is inflammatory, meaning it triggers your body’s stress response. When you down a boozy drink, your system breaks it down into a toxic chemical called acetaldehyde and free radicals, which damage your cells. As a result, alcohol consumption can contribute to a variety of health concerns, says Brigid.

According to a 2018 study, average drinkers who ditched booze for one month generally improved their insulin sensitivity, lowered their blood pressure, improved their liver function, reduced their cholesterol, and decreased their levels of VEGF, a cancer-promoting growth factor.

How can you try Dry January?

“While doing a dry January may be easy for some people, others may have more difficulty,” Brighid warns. Loved ones can help lighten your potential load, just like you can help ease their burden: “Share the challenge with your friends and family, or see if they’ll join you,” she suggests.

Chronic, heavy alcohol users should be aware that abruptly giving booze the boot can contribute to dangerous withdrawals, White explains. “Depending on how much and how often a person drank, withdrawal symptoms could include insomnia, restlessness, sweating, anxiety, nausea, seizures, and even death.” If you’ve ever struggled with alcoholism, consult with your physician before attempting Dry January.

A support group or therapist can also help you navigate the challenge if you’re concerned about your overall relationship with alcohol—and its impact on your health, well-being, and relationships, Brigid says.

Of course, take extra care when (or if) you add alcohol back into your diet after January ends, White recommends. “Your tolerance can diminish during that time, leading to larger-than-expected impairment when you begin drinking again,” he warns.

Come February 1, you should feel free to enjoy a drink or two—but you’ll have newfound information about your relationship with alcohol thanks to your Dry January experience.

To learn more about gray area drinking and find support and resources for alcoholism, visit and

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