Curious Groundhogs Think English Bulldog Is Their Mom and It’s Too Cute

If you're looking for something to brighten up your day, this cute video of baby groundhogs claiming an English Bulldog as their mom is it! Eggnog the Bulldog's mom shared the sweet video on Sunday, May 19th, and it will make you smile.

Recently, a groundhog that lives under their porch had a litter of babies...six of them to be exact. Eggnog sits in the window each day and watches outside. When the babies caught sight of her, they figured the chubby dog must be their mom! Make sure your sound is on because the song accompanying the video is a perfect match!

Eggnog didn't seem to be very excited about being a mom to six groundhogs. Her face says it all! Commenters got a kick out of the video too. Michelle pointed out, "That side eye the dog gave LOL!" and someone added, "The look. No, they are not mine uh." Another commenter said, "I see the resemblance." @Ricfar13 cleverly said, "Eggnog the Groundhog Dog!"

Related: Typical Day in the Life of Pampered English Bulldog Immediately Goes Viral

Do English Bulldogs Make Good Family Pets?

I think it's safe to say that almost all of us think that English Bulldogs are adorable, but just because a dog is cute doesn't mean it will be a good fit with your family. That's why it's so important to do research before purchasing a puppy and to learn the good, the bad, and the ugly about the dog you're considering making a part of your family.

I think one of my favorite things about these dogs is their goofy personalities. They're big class clowns and their antics provide lots of entertainment throughout the day. Bulldogs are loyal and love their humans. They make great guard dogs since they are highly protective, although they are not normally an aggressive breed. They may not attack, but they'll bark at potential threats and stand between their owners and the threat. They do great with children and other animals - they're everybody's friend.

These dogs are known to be couch potatoes and are very laid back and chill; they will never turn down a nap. This doesn't mean that they don't run and play, they just don't do it for long periods of time. They can be playing and running around one minute, then snoring the next minute...literally. I remember a neighbor's daughter was walking their English Bulldog and he decided he was done at laid down in the middle of the street to take a snooze. I was driving home from work and had to stop and help her get him over to the sidewalk while other cars waited! If you're an active family, this dog probably wouldn't fit into your lifestyle.

If you're considering bringing one home, do your own research to learn what's good about 'em and what's bad about 'em. You just might find that the bad outweighs the good and that this particular breed is not the best fit for your family.

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