Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude With These 101 Things To Be Thankful For

Studies show that gratitude may have lasting positive effects on the brain. It's high time we got rid of "stinking thinking." If we take time to focus on things we're grateful for in our lives, and in the world around us (especially in nature), we'll often find ourselves feeling more positive about life overall. We want to be sensitive to real times of grief, tragedy, and sorrow in our lives, and also acknowledge our body's chemical and emotional state at times. It's not about manufacturing fake, happy feelings. It's taking the time to create a list of real things to be thankful for—sometimes in the midst of what might be really hard.

Some social media pages have made it their mission to help us focus on gratitude. Instagram accounts like Humans of New York (and its spinoffs), Good News Movement and Global Positive News are wildly popular among viewers. While it's nice to read about the good things happening to others, it's also important to take note of the things going right for us too.

How To Find Things To Be Grateful For

For some of us, gratefulness comes more naturally than others. Are you a glass-half-full or a glass-half-empty kind of person? The truth is, all of us can channel gratitude, with a little bit of intentionality and creativity. If you want the reminders always in front of you, keep a gratitude journal, and reach for it whenever you need it.

We've created some categories of thankfulness, hoping to get your creative juices flowing with the list. Let's count our blessings. The more you do, the better you'll feel. Are you ready?

Things To Be Grateful For in Life

1. All the colors we can see.

2. The sound of little voices.

3. The variety of birds and butterflies that flutter around us.

4. Your favorite smells, whatever those might be.

5. A big bite of a perfectly baked cookie.

6. Sipping a hot drink.

7. Licking an ice cream cone or popsicle.

8. The taste of warm bread.

9. Church bells ringing.

10. Your favorite song, instrument or band.

11. Vacation.

12. Having a friend you can call if you need anything.

Funny Things To Be Grateful For

13. Stretchy pants.

14. Dad jokes.

15. A good, hearty belly laugh.

16. Spotify's free version and "30 minutes of uninterrupted listening."

17. Funny home videos.

18. Forever stamps.

19. The five-second rule when food is dropped.

20. Puns and riddles.

21. A day with nothing to do.

Unique Things To Be Grateful For

22. A stranger opening up the door for you.

23. Someone giving up their seat on the bus for another passenger.

24. A red light turning green as you pull up.

25. Handwritten notes.

26. Cream cheese.

27. The music of Elvis Presley.

28. Architectural wonders.

29. The love of an elderly couple.

30. Your favorite book(s).

31. Aunts, Uncles and cousins.

32. Getting gifts.

33. Anxiety medication.

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Things To Be Thankful For in the Fall

34. Warm blankets.

35. Changing leaves on the trees.

36. October.

37. Football.

38. Chili.

39. Pumpkin everything.

40. Back to school.

41. Sweatshirts and jeans.

42. Apple picking.

43. New flannels.

44. Crisp air.

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Things To Be Thankful for on Thanksgiving

45. Dinner companions.

46. The option between an afternoon nap or watching football.

47. A table full of food.

48. Whipped cream (and pumpkin pie).

49. Butter on dinner rolls.

50. The country you call home.

51. Macy's Day Parade.

52. Family and friends.

53. The opportunity to have deep conversations.

54. Abundance in so many areas of life.

55. The emphasis on gratitude itself.

Things To Be Thankful for in Winter

56. The silence after a snowfall.

57. Fires in fireplaces.

58. Warm mittens, hats and scarves.

59. Cashmere.

60. A vehicle's heated seats.

61. Snow days.

62. Skiing and sledding.

63. Snowmen.

64. Holiday music and movies.

65. Flannel sheets.

66. Soups.

67. Starting a brand new year full of possibilities.

Things To Be Thankful for in the Spring

68. The first flowers blooming again.

69. Light jackets.

70. Easter or Passover dinners.

71. Baby animals.

72. Sunny days and warmer weather.

73. Spring showers.

74. Fragrant blossoms on trees and flowers.

75. Festivals.

76. Spring break with family.

77. March Madness NCAA Men's Basketball.

78. Jumping into puddles.

Things To Be Thankful for in the Summer

79. Sipping wine (or lemonade) on a patio.

80. Beaches.

81. Ice cream trucks.

82. Ballparks.

83. Picnics.

84. Boat rides.

85. Staying up late.

86. Road trips.

87. Fireflies.

88. Flip flops.

89. Sitting around a campfire with loved ones.

Things To Be Thankful for in Nature

90. A rosebud.

91. Old oak trees.

92. Freshly mown grass.

93. The smell after a rain.

94. Sighting animals in the wild.

95. Sunrises and sunsets.

96. Nature hikes.

97. Lakes, rivers and oceans.

98. Mountains.

99. Rocks.

100. Sea glass.

101. Being able to watch clouds move across the sky.

Up Next: Pay It Forward! Here Are 97 Ways to Show Appreciation to Those You Care About