The Crucial Swaps To Make For Dairy-Free Pumpkin Pie

pumpkin pie displayed on granite
pumpkin pie displayed on granite - Anna_Pustynnikova/Shutterstock

Just because dietary restrictions have eliminated dairy products from your planned menu doesn't mean that your favorite dessert recipes are doomed. With a few key adjustments, a classic pumpkin pie recipe can be modified to suit the vegan and dairy-free diners sitting around your table. Made equally creamy and moist as your other go-to pumpkin pies, your improvised dairy-free culinary masterpiece won't taste like any key ingredient is missing, and you can serve dessert to your dairy-free diners with confidence.

To put together a pie that can be served to those who have eliminated dairy products from their diet, reach for coconut milk and dairy-free creamer instead of milk and full-fat creams. The thick, rich non-dairy liquids will add an enjoyable creamy flavor and texture to your pumpkin pie without overpowering the other ingredients in your recipe. To pump up the sweetness in your pie, choose vanilla-flavored products or add an extra spoonful of extract. Enhanced with spices like nutmeg and cloves, this luxurious dairy-free pumpkin mixture will showcase the flavors of fall and the best parts of the holidays.

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Making The Dairy-Free Dessert Of Your Dreams

baker carrying pumpkin pie
baker carrying pumpkin pie - Gmvozd/Getty Images

Though baking any dessert from scratch can be a time-consuming endeavor, presenting the dairy-free dessert of your dreams can help every guest feel welcome at your dinner table. If you're planning on making a dairy-free crust to encapsulate your pumpkin pie filling, you can make the dough ahead of time and set it in the fridge before rolling it out on the day you intend to serve dessert. When making your crust, use vegan butter instead of your usual measurements of dairy products.

The filling to make dairy-free pumpkin pie is a breeze to put together: Simply whisk ingredients until a substantial mixture forms, taste, and adjust the added seasonings and sweeteners as needed before filling the cooled crust with spiced pumpkin purée. After baking your pie you'll want to cool it for at least two hours before slicing it to serve, so plan accordingly.

Of course, no slice of pumpkin pie is complete without a thick dollop of whipped cream. Instead of the usual dairy-filled recipe, top pieces with dairy-free whipped topping or generous scoops of vanilla ice cream, instead. For an extra touch of sweetness, garnish your desserts with a powdery layer of cinnamon and nutmeg or flaky pieces of salt for a savory boost. Should you happen to have any pieces of pie left over, freeze the slices in plastic wrap to have a dessert to present to the dairy-free eaters you invite to your next dinner party.

Read the original article on Tasting Table.