Crowd Celebrates Bikini Wearing Skier Ending The Season With A Bang

Arapahoe Basin officially ended the Colorado ski season when they closed on Sunday, June 4th, 2023, but not before a few dozen brave souls sent it off in style.

An unofficial closing day tradition has formed over the years in which skiers attempt to skim across a pool of water that forms from the melting snow. Watch as a bikini wearing skier attempts to skim across the aptly-named Lake Reveal herself:

Oops! Nearly had it.

Kudos to her for sending it so hard in what appears to be fairly cold conditions.

We've seen clips from previous closing days where the temps were warm and the sun was shining. No matter. A little rain and clouds won't stop hundreds of skiers from showing up to Arapahoe Basin for one final party to close out the season.

Here's hoping somebody had a dry towel and a warm drink ready for her.

Lake Reveal gets its name from, well, revealing itself each spring as the surrounding snow melts and pools together. Funny enough, the lake, which is really just a pond, is actually listed on Google Maps.

Check out the Arapahoe Basin trail map below to see the approximate location of Lake Reveal:

Skimming across Lake Reveal at Arapahoe Basin is one of those traditions that makes skiing so special.

Think about it.

How many others sports/activities have a tradition where people willingly submit themselves to agony and embarrassment (in the form of freezing cold water) to celebrate the end of the season?

Skiing is cool. Don't let anybody tell you differently.

Check out the video below of skiers and snowboarders hitting Lake Reveal back in the spring of 2009.

*Quick aside... Is 2009 considered 'vintage' now? I nearly referred to this video as vintage but had to think twice on it. I guess it depends who you ask. Either way I'm old and lame. Oh well.*

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