What Is CrossFit, and How Beginner-Friendly Is It?

Medically reviewed by Oluseun Olufade, MD

CrossFit is a high-intensity workout that is constantly varied to help prepare you for any physical challenge. CrossFit incorporates many types of exercise, including weight lifting, aerobic activities (such as running and rowing), and gymnastics. CrossFit workouts are led by a trained and certified CrossFit coach and can be adapted for any fitness level.

This article discusses CrossFit—what it is, examples of exercises, terms used by CrossFitters, and how it is adapted for beginners.

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What Makes CrossFit Training Different?

CrossFit training differs from other workouts because every session is unpredictable. One day, you might lift heavy weights with a barbell, and the next day, you may run sprints and do pull-ups. CrossFit aims to prepare you for any physical challenge in your daily life.

CrossFit workouts are always high-intensity and competitive. Workouts are often performed as fast as possible or focus on completing the most repetitions possible in a given amount of time.

CrossFit is a franchise, and locations—called affiliates—are independently owned and operated. However, all CrossFit affiliates are required to follow the same CrossFit methodology. CrossFit facilities are typically called a "box" rather than a "gym."

CrossFit is more costly than a typical gym membership due to CrossFit-exclusive equipment, extensive facilities, and personalized coaching. CrossFit provides trainer-led workouts adaptable to any fitness level and is often described as a lifestyle because it allows for a strong sense of community and support.

Beginner CrossFit Exercises

Just as you do not need to be in shape to step into a gym, you do not need to be fit to participate in CrossFit. Affiliates often have an introduction class for people who are new to the sport. The purpose of this class is to introduce the basic movements used in CrossFit workouts.

Training in a Gym With a Professional CrossFitter

The structure of a typical CrossFit session may vary among locations since they are all independently owned and operated. However, since they all follow the same CrossFit methodology, you can expect the workout to last for about an hour and include the following certified trainer-led activities:

  • Workout brief, in which the trainer explains the workout of the day(WOD), typically written out on a whiteboard

  • Warm-up exercises

  • Strength or skills practice, such as barbell exercise technique

  • Strength or conditioning workout lasting between 10 and 30 minutes

  • Cool-down or mobility exercises

CrossFit trainers are responsible for the athletes' health and safety and will modify the workouts according to your fitness level.

Types of exercise you may do during a CrossFit workout include:

  • Olympic weight lifting: Clean and jerk, snatch

  • Powerlifting: Squat, bench-press, dead lift

  • Calisthenics: Push-up, pull-up, sit-up

  • Plyometrics: Box jump, jumping lunge

  • Gymnastics: Handstand push-ups or walks, muscle-ups

  • Sprinting: High-intensity running, rowing, biking

Terms CrossFitters Use

CrossFitters use a variety of terms and abbreviations, such as:

  • Box or affiliate: CrossFit gym

  • WOD: Workout of the day

  • AMRAP: As many rounds or repetitions as possible

  • EMOM: Every minute, on the minute

  • Rx'd: Workout was performed as prescribed (specific weights and/or technique) without modifications

  • Scaled: Workout was performed with modified technique and/or less weight

Are the Exercises Adaptable?

CrossFit exercises can be adapted to any fitness level, even if you have never worked out. During workout sessions, beginners perform the same activities as everyone else—with movements modified to their fitness level. This is called scaling the workout.

For example, you may start by doing push-ups on an incline with your hands on an elevated box or do barbell exercises using a PVC pipe until you learn the proper technique and your body is conditioned to increase exercise intensity.

Reasons to Skip or Save CrossFit for Later

Although CrossFit workouts are adaptable, they might not be appropriate for some people—particularly those with certain medical conditions present or preexisting injuries.

CrossFit workouts are high-intensity, and exercises are often done quickly, which can increase the risk of injury—especially if the movements aren't done with proper technique. The most common CrossFit-related injuries affect the shoulders, back, knees, elbow, and wrists.

CrossFit can also cause a rare but serious condition called rhabdomyolysis. Excessive exercise can cause muscles to break down, releasing toxic chemicals into the bloodstream. This can lead to life-threatening kidney or other internal organ failure in severe cases.

Rhabdomyolysis can affect anyone, regardless of fitness level, and should be treated immediately. Symptoms can include:

  • Muscle cramps

  • Severe pain

  • Weakness

  • Fatigue

  • Dark urine


CrossFit is a high-intensity workout combining weightlifting, gymnastics, and aerobic exercises. A certified trainer leads CrossFit classes in a small-group setting. Movements can be adapted to any fitness level and aim to prepare a person for any physical challenge. CrossFit might not be appropriate for people with certain medical conditions or preexisting injuries. As with any new exercise routine, check with a healthcare provider before starting CrossFit.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.