Cross Country World Cup To Return To Brazil

The UCI World Cup is often accused of being a European-centric affair. Most of the races are held at European venues and only a few races a year are held elsewhere.

It feels like once in a blue moon that the World Cup goes somewhere outside of North America and Oceania.

Excitingly, Brazil will host two stops of the cross-country World Cup this year.

Cross-country is a very popular race format in the World Cup which does not require large resort mountains and infrastructure to host. This is one reason that the XC World Cup has more freedom than the DH one.

The World Cup will return to Brazil after holding a stop there in 2022. 2o22 was a smashing success. Locals came out in droves to line the course. See the highlights from Petropolis in 2022 below.

Many mountain bikers don't think as much about the sport of cross country as they do downhill, and they are wrong for it. XC combines the battle of the wills from road cycling to the technicality of downhill. It makes for a truly entertaining product.

Related: UCI MTB World Series Announces 2024 Calender

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