Critically Endangered Sumatran Rhino Gives Birth to Baby Boy

If you're looking for some news to brighten your day, @MustShareNews has some that will make you smile! The news of a critically endangered Sumatran rhino giving birth was shared on Wednesday, November 29th, and you've got to check out this cute little guy.

The calf was born on Saturday, November 25th, and seems to be healthy and thriving. He was born at Indonesian National Park where his mom lives, and interestingly, dad was born at the Cincinnati Zoo. This new little guy is one of only 50 or so Sumatran rhinos left in the wild, all of which live in Indonesia. He was the second calf born this year, so those numbers will hopefully continue to go up!

I think the little guy is his own way. No news about whether he'll get a name or how mom is doing, but they both seem to be doing great. I love watching him explore his new world, and it's so cute how wobbly he is on his own feet. I could watch him put around all day and can't wait to see his little zoomies!

Related: Baby Rhino's Adorable Case of the Zoomies Is Impossible to Resist

@MustShareNews commenters didn't leave any comments worth mentioning, people can find terrible things to say about almost everything, even uplifting news like this. I'm hoping that we'll continue to hear news about this baby boy as he grows - and hopefully - thrives.

Hopefully he'll grow up and father another rhino or two. With any luck, these rhinos will have enough numbers (counting those born wild or in a zoo) to be pulled off the critically endangered list someday. In the meantime, we just have to wait for the 2023 calves to grow.

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