Are you in crisis? Go to "WAR" to reinvent yourself

Whether you think so or not, your hardships in life are here to propel you into a better version of yourself.

I am going to take a new approach with my column this month, for good reason.

I’m being RAW …

What is RAW spelled backward?


This is the reality I was living with myself for years trying to live in fear of failure, regret and disappointment. The reality is, MANY of you reading this are at war with yourself also.


Your brain is programmed to make you safe, so your thoughts tend to go to the safe place, not the place of discomfort. Your brain relaxes when it’s comfortable, but that’s why Americans have it too easy.

Mike Over and his two kids.
Mike Over and his two kids.

You need to learn to talk to yourself rather than listen to yourself.

Maybe you are refusing to let go of lies you keep telling yourself.

Maybe you are validating your own beliefs with false pictures drawn in your mind.

Maybe you are in a tunnel vision trying to find your way out, but breaking promises to those around you each and every day.

Whatever your situation, being at war with yourself will only make your life much more complicated. A brilliant coach and even my pastor told me last week, “Your desires can also be your biggest enemies.”

Think about that, and read it again.

For me, I wanted so badly to be successful and be a role model for my family and have them know they were taken care of, but I was missing out on the things that made my family whole.

I broke promises.

I was at WAR with myself, and my desire to be successful became my ultimate enemy in recovery.

This is a DEEP thought to truly take on this month because I wouldn’t be where I am with my health if I didn’t step back and see this.

Some of you reading this today may be struggling to be consistent with your diet…

Your desire to have 20lbs off you by the holidays has you so crazy about weight loss that it’s become your biggest enemy because you can’t go a day without beating yourself up for messing up, getting frustrated when you cave in, and then starting back at square one.

Before you can achieve anything great you first must accept where you are in life and what you did.

Some of you need that reality check.

You are where you are because of your own actions, no one else’s.

Stop putting the blame game on others and get the words “but… or “yeah, but Mike, you don’t know..."

I get it, life is hard.

Everybody has a story.

The simple fact is that everybody also loves public authority but not public discipline.

What are you doing when no one is watching?

Who are you set out to be?

What legacy do you want to leave?

These are questions you need to ask yourself BEFORE you begin trying to shed off 20lbs in 6 weeks. Otherwise, you are wasting your time.

I’ve seen it with the thousands I’ve coached and trained over the years, and then ultimately….the rock bottom place I found myself.

The only difference with me is that I refused to believe that was all I got.

I knew from the moment I was in high school working at the recreation center I would be the best with kids. I let my life take me away from that.

But when you and your true purpose, your life will have meaning, and the WAR becomes your core values.

If you are having trouble figuring yours out, and want to start looking at your body inside and out, schedule a free call with me or my team.

Mike Over is a fitness coach based in Chambersburg. Follow him on Instagram, @mikeoverfitness.

This article originally appeared on Chambersburg Public Opinion: Mike Over: Personal crisis offers a chance for reinvention