The Creepiest Details From Netflix's New Ted Bundy Docuseries

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

From Cosmopolitan

How much do you actually know about Ted Bundy? You probably think of him as the charismatic serial killer from the '70s, right? Well, Netflix is about to release hours of never-before-heard interviews with the infamous murderer and key players in the case that will change everything you thought you knew.

Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes is available to stream on January 24, and will have even the proudest self-proclaimed true crime aficionados gasping. Without spoiling toooooo much, here are five of the most WTF revelations from the docuseries.

He agreed to the recording of these tapes in an attempt to prove himself innocent.

But, instead of using the interviews to explain why he's innocent, Ted refused to talk about anything besides himself.

"What he really had in mind was a celebrity bio," said Stephen Michaud, the journalist who interviewed him.

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

Ted wasn't always charming.

The case of Ted Bundy is so fascinating because basically every single person who knew him personally was like, "Ted?! There's no way he could kill someone. He's such a nice guy!"

Through interviews with people who knew him in high school, the docuseries reveals that he was actually super awk as a kid and teen. He had no idea how to interact with girls, and primarily just kept to himself.

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

He constantly bragged about his intelligence, but the receipts say otherwise.

People had a hard time believing that Ted was a serial killer, because he was an educated man. He was a law student in hopes of becoming a politician, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he was good at it. He performed quite poorly on his LSAT and didn’t actually get accepted to the schools he really wanted to attend.

Basically, this entire situation proves that people need to listen! to! women!

Perhaps the most ridiculously infuriating part of this story is that nobody listened to or believed women throughout the whole effing thing. At the very beginning, when victims first started going missing, Ted's girlfriend Elizabeth Kloepfer called police to suggest that he might be the guy they're looking for.

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

According to Elizabeth, she didn't tip off police because he was sketchy or violent towards her. There was little about their relationship that would lead her to believe that he was capable of murder. She grew suspicious because he was never home when the women went missing, and he seemed to meet the profile (a guy named Ted with a beige Volkswagen Beetle).

Unfortunately, there wasn't enough evidence to connect him to the case, and when witnesses from events where victims had gone missing were shown a photo of Ted, they said it couldn't be him.

Even Carol DaRonch, a survivor of one of his attempted attacks, was faced with skepticism when she identified him in a lineup. The men around her were basically like, "are you SURE that's him?" UGH!

The trial was cuckoo bananas.

During the trial, women showed up to the courtroom because they were fascinated with Ted. In the docuseries, they are seen being interviewed by the press explaining that they are "terrified" of him, but still very interested. Some would even bring notes to attempt to pass to him in court.

DISTURBING AS HELL, no?! Side note: if this gives you the shivers, and you have tweeted even one thirsty thing about Penn Badgley in YOU, maybe this will help show you why it's creepy to be obsessed with a killer!

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

Additionally, Ted chose to represent himself (you know, because he's trying to be a lawyer), which lead to some veryyy strange courtroom moments.

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