Crazy Human-Like Things That Pets Do

Two thirds of American households count at least one pet as part of the family -- and one study has even found that we may choosebreeds that actually resembleus.

But sometimes that resemblance goes beyond just looks, and pets start picking up some funny human behavior. From taking a bubble bath to grabbing an ice-cold beer, here are a few of our faves from scouring the web (use your common sense, though -- some of these are definitely not safe to try at home with Fido!).

They Use The Toilet

No need for a litter box, <a href="" target="_hplink">some kitties</a> are just too civilized for that (and pups too). On the<a href="" target="_hplink"> toilet they go</a>, hopefully they know to leave the seat down when they're done.

They Enjoy A Bubble Bath

They might not make <a href="" target="_hplink">their own bath</a>, but they sure know how to get down <a href="" target="_hplink">with the bubbles</a>.

They Let Themselves In

You might think you need a special doggie door in order for pets to access the outside world, but some pets know how to <a href="" target="_hplink">come and go</a> as they please, using any old door there is.

Pets Go Boating

Yep, some <a href="" target="_hplink">dogs were born</a> with sea legs. And while they love to soak in the sea air and look out at the vast blue water, they still know well enough to wear their life vest.

Pets Care About Fashion

Pets like to strut their stuff on the street -- just like us. We've all seen the huge variety of <a href="" target="_hplink">pet clothes and accessories</a>, from sunglasses and booties to raingear and swarovski crystal jewelry -- even doggie perfume is on the market now.

They Get Plastic Surgery

While it might seem hard to believe, some pets are<a href="" target="_hplink"> going under the knife for plastic surgery</a>or other seemingly cosmetic procedures -- botox, braces, tummy tucks and even silicon "stand-ins" for neutered pups. It may

Pets Love To Play Sports, Just Like We Do

Well, maybe not <em>just</em> like us. Their unorganized sports probably have a lot fewer rules, but the goal is the same -- <a href="" target="_hplink">get the ball</a>!
Well, maybe not just like us. Their unorganized sports probably have a lot fewer rules, but the goal is the same -- get the ball!

They Wear Hilarious Hats

Like a few of our favorite UK ladies, pets are classing it up these days with some <a href="" target="_hplink">cute and cooky hats</a> to spruce up any occasion.
Like a few of our favorite UK ladies, pets are classing it up these days with some cute and cooky hats to spruce up any occasion.

Pets Cuddle With Each Other

No one can deny the simple <a href="" target="_hplink">joy of a cuddle</a>, and neither can our pets -- call it puppy love. While they love cozying up to their human friends, they also seek that closeness from one another by spooning, cuddling and sitting close.

They Fly In Pet-Only Planes

We've all seen those frequent flier pets under the seat next to us. And there's even an <a href="" target="_hplink">airline that flies</a> just for pets -- no humans on board besides those working. Looks like this pup prefers <a href="" target="_hplink">the window seat</a>.

They Wear Seat Belts In The Car

We should all take note from <a href="" target="_hplink">this pooch</a> and be sure to buckle up.
We should all take note from this pooch and be sure to buckle up.

They Watch TV

Sometimes cats can be <a href="" target="_hplink">couch potatoes, too</a>. While he may be amused with your regular prime-time schedule (Discovery Channel please!), some companies have started manufacturing <a href="" target="_hplink">pet-friendly DVDs</a>.

They Practice Yoga

A little <a href="" target="_hplink">downward dog</a> sure does this puppy good!
A little downward dog sure does this puppy good!

They Get Their Hair Done

Just cause your <a href="" target="_hplink">poodle is a pooch</a> doesn't mean she won't enjoy a day at the salon. A new do and a bow are always welcome.
Just cause your poodle is a pooch doesn't mean she won't enjoy a day at the salon. A new do and a bow are always welcome.

They Go Skate Boarding

This pup likes the thrill of <a href="" target="_hplink">riding the board</a> too. (Don't try this one at home!)
This pup likes the thrill of riding the board too. (Don't try this one at home!)

Pets Jump On Trampolines

This dog <a href="" target="_hplink">burns off excess energy</a> with a little time on the trampoline.
This dog burns off excess energy with a little time on the trampoline.

Pets Get Pushed In Strollers

That's not a baby in that stroller, but a <a href="" target="_hplink">little dog</a> with tired legs.
That's not a baby in that stroller, but a little dog with tired legs.

They Dive Into Pools

No doggy paddling for this one -- he prefers to jump off the diving board to <a href="" target="_hplink">splash into the pool</a>.
No doggy paddling for this one -- he prefers to jump off the diving board to splash into the pool.

They Ride The Wave

Dogs can be more than just <a href="" target="_hplink">good swimmers</a> -- some pups know how to ride that wave, too.
Dogs can be more than just good swimmers -- some pups know how to ride that wave, too.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.