Crazy Flick And Precision: It's Like The Board Doesn't Want To Leave Wade DesArmo's Feet

Some of these clips are almost too smooth, and I didn't even know that was possible. It's not a bad thing, either. I'm just sort of blown away.

Wade DesArmo has so much control, such proper flick, and such a naturally laid back, carefree almost get lost in the effortlessness of it all. But stay focused—there's a lot of good stuff going on here.

Some of his flip tricks are borderline hypnotizing. It's literally like the board refuses to stay away from his feet for too long. Pop, flick, and boom—his feet are literally right back where they started; right where he wants them to be. It's so rad.

Even the way he pops and flips into his ledge tricks—his knees hardly bend—like, literally, if at all!—but suddenly there he is, right on top of it, sliding and grinding the distance. Stomped with power every time, but not in an aggressive way.

Everything he does is precise, but not robotic. Dripping with style and all smiles, Wade is a real one and has been since those glorious tall tee days. Shout out to Primitive for rounding up these clips and smacking us in the face with 'em! A sincere sight for sore eyes, right here.

Video / @primitiveskate

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