Crayola Is Retiring the Iconic "Dandelion" Crayon

From Good Housekeeping

UPDATE, 3/31/2017: This morning at an event in Times Square, Crayola announced that "a member of the blue family" will be the new color to replace Dandelion in their 24-count boxes this year. While they didn't reveal exactly which shade of blue, they said that more details will be announced this summer and fans will get to decide the name of the new color.

UPDATE, 3/30/2017: If you couldn't wait until National Crayon Day to find out which color Crayola was retiring from their 24 packs, turns out neither could they. Earlier this afternoon, Crayola announced they will retire the bold, cheerful shade of yellow known as "Dandelion."

"Our beloved Dandelion decided to announce his retirement early! There's no taming an adventurous spirit!" they tweeted Thursday afternoon.

More details and a brand new color will be announced tomorrow morning.

Original Story, 3/29/17: Crayola, you're breaking our hearts! Last week, the crayon company announced on Facebook that it will be retiring one of the iconic colors from its 24-count box this Friday on National Crayon Day of all days.

The post reads, "On National Crayon Day Crayola will retire one of its beloved colors from its iconic Crayon portfolio!! RSVP to our live stream event on 3/31 to find out #WhosLeaving!"

If you haven't looked at a pack of Crayolas since the fourth grade, the colors that could potentially be retired include red, red violet, violet red, carnation pink, scarlet, red orange, orange, yellow orange, apricot, yellow, dandelion, green yellow, yellow green, green, blue green, blue, indigo, cerulean, blue violet, violet, brown, black, gray and white.

While the decision may seem a bit brutal, we can't help but think that there is a lot of overlap in there. But if you're worried that means there will only be 23 crayons in each box, Joshua Kroo-Crayola's director of marketing communications - promises that the retired color will be replaced with a new "exciting" hue.

"Consumers can expect that there will be a new, exciting color coming soon! Of course, the 24-box will always have that number of crayons," Kroo told Mashable.

While we all wait with bated breath to see what color gets killed off Hunger Games-style on Friday, the Internet has a lot of opinions about which color should go.

Others tweeted in defense of their favorite colors.

So what was the general consensus on what color to get rid of? Not surprisingly, many were in favor of getting rid of the white crayon since it doesn't show up on most paper. Personally, we hope they don't get rid of white since it's one of our favorite ways to draw fun patterns on our Easter eggs.

Others were wary of this news coming so close to April Fool's Day, making us all wonder if this is just some elaborate marketing prank.

We'll have to wait until Friday morning to see what actually happens. Stay tuned to this post for updates about which color gets the ax and what new color will be introduced to the 24 pack.

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